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What are the most 3 repeated numbers in a string


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Hello there


I have a string like that...


$string = "224 556 665 224 667 443 776 443 222 443 667 224 997 665 009 443 443";


I want to use a PHP script to echo the most 3 repeated numbers in this string


So, the result should be...


443 224 665


Do you know how can i do that in PHP



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Well, I don't know if Mchl's answer works for you, but I wanted to see if I could get the Mode (that what it is called in math) three times. Here it is

$string = array(224,556,665,224,667,443,776,443,222,443,667,224,997,665,009,443,443);
function M_MODE($array){
$Sets = array();
foreach($array as $number){
	if(in_array($number, $array)){
echo key($Sets)." ";
echo key($Sets)." ";
echo key($Sets)." ";

It probably sucks but it works and I'm proud of it. lol

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Well... I'd go with something along these lines


$string = "224 556 665 224 667 443 776 443 222 443 667 224 997 665 009 443 443";

$stringArray = explode(" ",$string); //convert string to array

$countValues = array_count_values($stringArray);  //count values in array

arsort($countValues);  //sort in descending order maintaining key=>value association

$result = array_slice($countValues,0,3,TRUE); //get three first elements from $countValues




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Thank you both


though, there is somethign weird here


I changed a tiny bit in the first line


$string = array($numbers);
function M_MODE($array){
$Sets = array();
foreach($array as $number){
	if(in_array($number, $array)){
echo key($Sets)." ";
echo key($Sets)." ";
echo key($Sets)." ";


It doesnt work anymore, whyyy

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The problem is that this

$string = array($numbers);

is not the same as

$string = array(224,556,665,224,667,443,776,443,222,443,667,224,997,665,009,443,443);

The first code creates an array with one entry that is the string. The second one creates an array of all the numbers.



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Thank you Ken


Is it possible that you tell me how to do this, because i can't succeed


I am trying to get the results as strings


echo key($Sets)." ";
$get1 = key($Sets)." ";
$get2 = key($Sets)." ";


Because i want to use $get1 & $get2 & $get3 later on


What i done above doesn't work

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The problem is that $get1, $get2 & $get3 are set in the function, so they are local to the function. To use them outside, you have to return the values at the end of the function.


function mode($set) {
   $cv = array_count_values($set);
   $result = array_slice($cv,0,3,TRUE);
list($get1,$get2,$get3) = mode(explode(',',$numbers));
echo $get1 . "<br>";
echo $get2 . "<br>";
echo $get3 . "<br>";



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:) Is this a new way of doing it, because i am using the method provided by Brian


Anyway, I uploaded your script in an empty php page, i got the following error...


Warning: Wrong parameter count for array_slice() in /home/zortins/public_html/try.php on line 5


Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/zortins/public_html/try.php on line 6


Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/zortins/public_html/try.php on line 7


Is it possibe to show me how can i do it in Brian's script (Because i already added to it parts of mine)


Can you tell me how can i have $get1 $get2 $get3 outside that function



What i have now is this:


$get_string = "224,556,665,224,667,443,776,443,222,443,667,224,997,665,009,443,443";

$string = explode(',',$get_string );

function M_MODE($array){
$Sets = array();
foreach($array as $number){
	if(in_array($number, $array)){
echo key($Sets)." ";
$get1 = key($Sets);
$get2 = key($Sets);
$get3 = key($Sets);


print "$get1 - $get2 - $get3";

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What version of php are your running? My script works perfectly with PHP 5.2.5


With the other routine:

function M_MODE($array){
$Sets = array();
foreach($array as $number){
	if(in_array($number, $array)){
        $result = array_slice($Sets,0,3,TRUE);
list($get1,$get2,$get3) = M_MODE(explode(',',$numbers));
echo $get1 . "<br>";
echo $get2 . "<br>";
echo $get3 . "<br>";



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To tell you the truth, I dont know about php versions, all i know is PHP!


I am a Mechanical Engineer, programming is a hobby to me


Thanks for helping me by the way


So anyway, i uploaded this new script you just given me in an empty page


I got that error...


Warning: Wrong parameter count for array_slice() in /home/zortins/public_html/try.php on line 11


Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/zortins/public_html/try.php on line 12


So, you took Brian's script and shaped it differently, is that what you have done here

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change the routine to:

function M_MODE($array){
        $Sets = array();
        foreach($array as $number){
                if(in_array($number, $array)){
        $result = array_slice(array_keys($Sets),0,3);
list($get1,$get2,$get3) = M_MODE(explode(',',$numbers));
echo $get1 . "<br>";
echo $get2 . "<br>";
echo $get3 . "<br>";



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