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I apologise if this is in the wrong forum, It's php and mysql so wasn't entirely sure. Anyways lemme get to the point.


I have a web form that allows the user to input a date which i get and process via


$myRaidDate=$_POST["Year"]."-".$_POST["Month"]."-".$_POST["Day"]." 00:00:00";


The idea was to format it to look like datetime in mysql i.e YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS


I then attempted to insert the values into the database with:


$varRaidDate = $myRaidDate;
mysql_query("INSERT INTO raids (RaidNum, RaidDate, RaidLength) VALUES ('".$newRaidNum."','".$varRaidDate."','".$_POST["Length"]."')");


The values





are both inputting correctly. To be honest i didn't think this approach of formatting $myRaidDate would work and it doesn't it just inputs a default of 0000-00-00 00:00:00 . I assume it needs to be inserted using a strtotime or something but i really don't know how to do it. Could anybody show me how to use the values i get in


and input it into the datetime the hours, mins and secs aren't important at this stage so I'm just looking for them to be set to 00:00:00


Also if i did not mention it already the filed "RaidDate" has a type value of "datetime" in mysql


Anyways thanks for your time


Try something like:


$myRaidDate = strtotime("{$_POST['Year']}/{$_POST['Month']}/{$_POST['Day']}");

Then, in your query:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO raids (RaidNum, RaidDate, RaidLength) VALUES ('$newRaidNum', FROM_UNIXTIME('$varRaidDate'), '{$_POST["Length"]}')");


You don't need all that crazy quoting and concatenation and stuff.  Variables interpolate into double quoted strings.

Try something like:


$myRaidDate = strtotime("{$_POST['Year']}/{$_POST['Month']}/{$_POST['Day']}");

Then, in your query:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO raids (RaidNum, RaidDate, RaidLength) VALUES ('$newRaidNum', FROM_UNIXTIME('$varRaidDate'), '{$_POST["Length"]}')");


You don't need all that crazy quoting and concatenation and stuff.  Variables interpolate into double quoted strings.


I Appreciate your help DarkWater but after trying that an echo print out before the insert quesry shows the date to be 1199404800 which seems correct for unix time however when i check the database the datetime has actually inserted a NULL into the field. Any suggestions

Change your querying to:

$query = "INSERT INTO raids (RaidNum, RaidDate, RaidLength) VALUES ('$newRaidNum', FROM_UNIXTIME('$varRaidDate'), '{$_POST["Length"]}')";
echo "Query: $query";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

Seems the NULL part was my fault i was trying to run the file directly which ran the insert sql part without any valid details. i was only then when i ran it through the web form did it work correctly.


This brings me onto another question how to you stop someone directly viewing an include file and causing execution of code as ive done. I know you can use define or somethign at the top but ive only glanced at it before i have no iea how to implement.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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