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[SOLVED] I have no idea...???


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My scripts been working just fine and all of a sudden this popped up:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '9‡Nßoñ P»>XožžbRé:hárP¢ñýýý^5˜Éd' at line 1


I couldn't figure it out so I reverted back to a previously saved page that I know worked but I'm still getting the same error. I'm not sure why since the page is submitting to itself.  ???


ANy ideas?

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Everything works up until it goes to insert it in the db and then it errors out. If the form is submitted, which submits to itself, and there is an error it echos out just fine. It's just when it goes to insert and, like I said, this is brand new. :-/


include 'connect/project.htm';

if(($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 1) && ($_SESSION['access_type'] == e))
$uid = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_id']);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employers WHERE username = '$uid'");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

<title>Welcome back <?php echo $prefix;?> <?php echo $lname;?></title>

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if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {

        $errors = array();
///Checks for Errors///

if (!empty($_POST['jtitle'])) { $jtitle = $_POST['jtitle']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

if (!empty($_POST['dtype'])) { $dtype = $_POST['dtype']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['dmajorp'])) { $dmajorp = $_POST['dmajorp']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['cinfo'])) { $cinfo = $_POST['cinfo']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['city'])) { $city = $_POST['city']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['state'])) { $state = $_POST['state']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

if (!empty($_POST['status'])) { $status = $_POST['status']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['wexperience'])) { $wexperience = $_POST['wexperience']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['poverview'])) { $poverview = $_POST['poverview']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['pduties'])) { $pduties = $_POST['pduties']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['pqual'])) { $pqual = $_POST['pqual']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['salary'])) { $salary = $_POST['salary']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['benefits'])) { $benefits = $_POST['benefits']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['reloassist'])) { $reloassist = $_POST['reloassist']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['jobdecisiondate'])) { $jobdecisiondate = $_POST['jobdecisiondate']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['contactname'])) { $contactname = $_POST['contactname']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

if (!empty($_POST['contactnumber'])) { $contactnumber = $_POST['contactnumber']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }

    if (!empty($_POST['contactemail'])) { $contactemail = $_POST['contactemail']; }
          else 	{ $errors[] = '<font color="red">You did not fill out this field.</font>'; }


if (empty($errors)) {
	$query = "INSERT INTO thelist (username, jtitle, dtype, dtypewc, dmajorp, dmajorc1, dmajorc2, dmajorc3, cname, cinfo, clogo, city, state, status, wexperience, wexperiencewc, careerlevel, contactname, contactnumber, contactemail, poverview, pduties, pqual, salary, benefits, reloassist, jobdecisiondate, extra, applyat) VALUES ('$username', '$jtitle', '$dtype', '$dtypewc', '$dmajorp', '$dmajorc1', '$dmajorc2', '$dmajorc3', '$cname', '$cinfo', '$clogo', '$city', '$state', '$status', '$wexperience', '$wexperiencewc', '$careerlevel', '$contactname', '$contactnumber', '$contactemail', '$poverview', '$pduties', '$pqual', '$salary', '$benefits', '$reloassist', '$jobdecisiondate', '$extra', '$applyat')";


<div id="breadcrumb">
<div class="module_breadcrumb">
    				<span class="breadcrumbs pathway">
$result = @mysql_query($query);  ///IF I VIEW PAGE SOURCE THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR IS SHOWING///
if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) 	{

					Congratulations <?php echo $prefix;?> <?php echo $lname;?>.


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<?php include 'mmenu.php'; ?>

<?php include 'linmenu.php'; ?>

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Ok, it was the $clogo. Each organization within our office has their own logo and I was trying to take it from the users table and stick it in with the information table. It was reading the binary logo and echoing that so when it went to insert it into the db it was erroring out. I'll just recall the logo from the users table and go about it that way I guess.

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