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validating trouble


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Could someone take a look at tis and see where I went wrong?

I tried validating it, it did not show anything that made a difference.




<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

<!-- begin

function validateZip(field) {

var  valid = "0123456789-";

var hyphencount = 0;

if (field.lenght!=5 && field.lenght!=10) {

alert("Please enter your five digit or five digit +4 zip code");

return false;



for (var i=0; i < field.lenght; i++) {

temp = "" + field.substring(i, i+1);

if (temp == "-") hyphencount++;

if (valid.indexOf(temp) == "-1") {

alert("Invalid characters in your zip code. Please try again.");

return false;



if ((hyphencount > 1) || ((field.lenght == 10) && ""+field.charAt(5)!="-")) {

alert("The hyphen character should be used with a properly formatted 5 digit+4 zip code like '12345-6789'. Please try again.");

return false;



return true;







<form name="zip" onsubmit="return validateZIP(this.zip.value)">

Zip: <input type="text" size="30" name="zip" />

<input type="submit" value="submit" />


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That's a bit of a long-winded approach to doing something as easy as checking a zipcode.  Ideally, you should use regular expressions when validating fields like these.  What are regular expressions?  They're essentially expressions that represent a pattern that you want to test a value against.  In this case, a 5-digit code, potentially followed by a hyphen and a 4-digit code.


With regEx, this is simple to do.  Even better, JavaScript has built-in regEx functionality.


Your script should look like:


<script type="text/javascript">
   window.onload = function() // we do this to ensure the HTML is all loaded before the script

      /* put the rest of your validation code in here, too */

      function validateZip(field)
         var zip = field.value;
         var regEx = /^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/;

            alert("The zipcode you entered is wrong.  It must contain 5 digits, with an optional hyphenated 4 digit component (ex: 12345-1234)");
            return false;
            return true;

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I agree with Nightslyr, but to answer your question as to why your original code didn't work, I suspect it is because of this line:

temp = "" + field.substring(i, i+1);


That will actually grab TWO characters and not ONE such as you are testing against.

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Actually, I found two things looking it over (a half-a-million times).

1. I spelled length wrong.

2. The non-capital Zip on the function.


I am sure there are many more.

I am not up to speed on javascript yet, so I haven't learned a lot about regex yet.



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