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How can I use 1 mysql connection class in other class?


Sql connection class:

class mysql
var $db_host,

function doConnect()
	$this->connect = mysql_connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_password);
	$this->select = mysql_select_db($database_name,$connection);
	if($this->connect) return true;
	else return false;

function doQuery($query)
	if(mysql_query($query, $this->connect))
		return true;
		return false;

function doDisconnect()

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don't do that lol


when you call


the class


$mysql = new mysql();

$mysql->user = 'user';

$mysql->host = 'host';

$mysql->pass = 'pass';



or just do like


$mysql = new mysql($host,$user,$pass);


and in the mysql class do


function __construct($host,$ussr,$pass) {

  $this->host = $host;

  $this->pass = $pass;

  $this->user = $user;


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This code is in that:

$this->db_host = "localhost";
$this->db_name = "****";
$this->db_user = "****";
$this->db_password = "*******";


But still how can I use my sql connection class in some other class. Is there something to do with parent and child classes?

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Hmm, I am not getting it to work:

class box
var $link_id;

function name($link_id)
		$mysql = new mysql();
		$query = 'SELECT name FROM links WHERE id = ' + $link_id;
		$return = $mysql->doQuery($query);
		echo $return;
$box = new box($mysql);
echo $box->name(1);

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Ok I added it, still nothing. There is 1 value in my db. Maybe the query is wrong?.


I also repared my conection class:

class mysql
var $db_host,

function doConnect()
	$this->connect = mysql_connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_password);
	$this->select = mysql_select_db($database_name, $this->connect);
	if($this->connect) return true;
	else return false;

function doQuery($query)
	$this->result = mysql_query($query);
	return $this->result;

function doDisconnect()


But that is not the reason why it doesn't work, 9three.

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The code in here makes me want to cry...


Okay, first, why are you using PHP 4?  PHP 4 is old, and not even officially supported by Zend any more, to say nothing of its crappy OOP 'features.'  If you're trying to use objects, you're much better off using PHP 5.


Second, even if your db connection info is located in another file (which is good), you don't want to include it directly into your class file.  It's a sloppy technique that leads to coupling, which is a very bad thing in OOP.


A better designed class would be:

class mysql
   private $name;
   private $user;
   private $password;
   private $tableName;
   private $dbc;

   public function __connect($name, $user, $password)
      $this->dbc = mysql_connect($name, $user, $password);

         $this->name = $name;
         $this->user = $user;
         $this->password = $password;
         die("There was an error connecting to the database.");

   public function selectTable($tableName)
         $this->tableName = mysql_select_db($tableName, $this->dbc);
         die("Could not connect to the database.");

   public function query($query)
      $result = mysql_query($query); //notice it's NOT $this->result...
      return $result;

   public function fetch($result)
         $fetchedRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         return $fetchedRow;
         die("Bad query result.");


In your client code, you'd use the class like so:


$mysql = new mysql($db_host, $db_user, $db_password); //Note NO $this->

$query = "SELECT * FROM users";
$result = $mysql->query($query);

while($row = $mysql->fetch($result))
   /* do stuff */

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All i had to do was to change my sql class code function like this:


	function doQuery($query)
	$result = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($query, $this->connect));
	return $result[0];


I am useing PHP 5. Ok basically I need a good link from wher i could learn about php classes. Because just when I thought that I am getting that classes thing then this showed up.

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   public function __connect($name, $user, $password)


I think you mean __construct however I know there are others like __destruct and __toString but I know __construct is usually the constructor


Yup.  That's what I get for rushing.


The class should work fine, though, if __connect is changed to __construct.

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