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[SOLVED] Script Just stopped working, with no errors


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I don't even know what is going on here, but there are several files involved, and I'll post them all here.


Basically, $page->content is not outputting the links to edit each page, and when I type the URL directly that would take me to the page that edits that page, I get a blank screen.


When I echo $page->content from within the file that sets it, it works fine, but when I try to echo it from index.php, it echos nothing.


The only exception here is in editPage.php, if there is more than one record in the database, I get the second record and not the first.


Now, I know the right files are being included and that they are actually retrieving the right information because when I echo directly from the file that sets $page->content, I see exactly what I am supposed to, but at the top of the page.


Thanks everyone, you people are amazing, I have spent the past three days moving this stuff around, trying to fix it, but to no avail. This is my last resort, you guys have saved me in the past, here's hoping it can happen again.



This is the index.php file, somewhere in the body, you will see <?php echo $page->content; ?> that's what's not working.



include 'php/main.php';


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" >

<title>Site Control Pannel</title>
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="overall.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA=screen>

<?php $page->tabs(); ?>

<div class="main">

<div class="nav">
	<br /><br />

	<?php echo $page->nav; ?>


<div class="divide">


<div class="disp">
	<br /><br />

	<?php echo $page->content; ?>





This is the classes.php file, which has all of the classes declared inside.


include 'config.php';

class Page{

function Page(){


		$this->id			= $_GET['id'];


		$this->id			= 0;



		$this->option		= $_GET['option'];


		$this->option		= 0;


	//pre-initialize append-only variables
	$this->tab_list		= "";
	$this->options		= "";


function tabs(){ //generates the tabs at the top of the box

	$tab_name				= array('Pages',

	$tab_loc				= array('index.php?id=0&option=0',

	for($size = 0; $size < count($tab_loc); $size++){

		if($this->id == $size){

			$this->tab_list		.= '<div class="visit_tab_outer">
										<div class="visit_tab_inner">
											<a href="'.$tab_loc[$size].'">'.$tab_name[$size].'</a>


		$this->tab_list		.= '<div class="tab_outer">
								<div class="tab_inner">
									<a href="'.$tab_loc[$size].'">'.$tab_name[$size].'</a>


	echo $this->tab_list;


function appendOp($path, $name, $params = ""){ //adds an option to the sidebar of the page


		$path				.= "?";


	$this->nav			.= '<a href="'.$path.$params.'">'.$name.'</a>';


function setContent($content){ //set the content of the main body of the page

	$this->content		= $content;






This is the main.php file included in index.php.



include 'classes.php';

$page			= new Page;


case 0:{

	include 'pageOptions.php';



case 1:{

	include 'staffOptions.php';



case 2:{

	include 'profileOptions.php';







This is the pageOptions.php file included in main.php



include 'classes.php';

$page			= new Page;


case 0:{

	include 'pageOptions.php';



case 1:{

	include 'staffOptions.php';



case 2:{

	include 'profileOptions.php';







This is the editPage.php file included in pageOptions.php



include 'config.php';


$query 				= "SELECT * FROM `navigation`";

$result 			= mysql_query($query);

$body 				= "";

while($pages = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

$disp 				= $pages['display'];
$id 				= $pages['id'];

$body 				.= '<a href="'.$root.'index.php?id=0&option=1&page='.$id.'">'.$disp.'</a>';


$page->setContent($body); //if I could kick this, I would
echo $page->content; //this works, but it echoed above my page, and looks awful




This is frmEditPage.php included in pageOptions.php



include 'config.php';

$query 			= "SELECT * FROM `navigation` WHERE `id`=".$_GET['page'];
$result 		= mysql_query($query);
$info 			= mysql_fetch_array($result);
$navbar			= $info['display'];

$query 			= "SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE `navId`=".$_GET['page'];
$result 		= mysql_query($query);
$info 			= mysql_fetch_array($result);
$title 			= $info['title'];

$query 			= "SELECT * FROM `pgContent` WHERE `navId`=".$_GET['page'];
$result 		= mysql_query($query);
$info 			= mysql_fetch_array($result);
$top 			= $info['topBar'];
$content		= $info['content'];

$body 			='

			<form name="create" method="post" action="php/doEditPage.php?id='.$_GET['page'].'">
			<div class="label">Page Title:</div> <input type="text" name="title" class="field" value="'.$title.'"/> 
			<div class="label">Nav Text:</div> <input type="text" name="display" class="field" value="'.$navbar.'"/> 
			<div class="label">Top Bar:</div> <input type="text" name="topbar" class="field" value="'.$top.'"/> 
			<div class="label">Content: tags: [<br /> <a> <img> <i> <b> <u>]</div>
			<textarea rows="15" cols="52" name="content" class="lgfield">'.$content.'</textarea> <br />
			<input type="submit" value="Edit"  class="button"/>


echo $page->content;


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You should be getting errors. Your including the same files multiple times which meens classes are being defined more than once. Turn error reporting to E_ALL and set display errors to on when developing.


error_reporting(E_ALL) ; ini_set('display_errors', 1);

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Okay, I accidentally pasted main.php where pageOptions.php should be.


The REAL pageOptions.php



$page->appendOp("index.php", "Add a Page", "id=0&option=0");
$page->appendOp("index.php", "Edit a Page", "id=0&option=1");
$page->appendOp("index.php", "Delete a Page", "id=0&option=2");


case 0:{

	include 'addPage.php';



case 1:{


		include 'frmEditPage.php';


		include 'editPage.php';



case 2:{

	include 'deletePage.php';




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