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Most Common Sough out for Languages


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What type of programming do you want to do?  This question is semi-location based...  If I had to venture a guess: C++, Java, C# are well regarded application languages..(not in order) and as for web languages: Perl, PHP, ASP, JSP(not so much) are popular as well.


Really depends what you want to do... the thing with some of those choices is that there are a lot of "skilled" people, meaning that you will have to catch up fast in order to compete.  What's more is that a lot of companies expect you to know multiple languages; this in itself isn't that bad.. Once you understand the methodologies of programming, code from other languages can be "translated" .. some easier than others.

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What type of programming do you want to do?  This question is semi-location based...  If I had to venture a guess: C++, Java, C# are well regarded application languages..(not in order) and as for web languages: Perl, PHP, ASP, JSP(not so much) are popular as well.


Really depends what you want to do... the thing with some of those choices is that there are a lot of "skilled" people, meaning that you will have to catch up fast in order to compete.  What's more is that a lot of companies expect you to know multiple languages; this in itself isn't that bad.. Once you understand the methodologies of programming, code from other languages can be "translated" .. some easier than others.


I am proficient in Java, PhpMySQL, C++, VB, COBOL. I live in Pittsburgh PA.

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@JK, what are ASP and JSP defined as then?  I know ASP kind of creates an interface for an exe right?  I assume JSP does the same.  What is a better definition for them?


@jmsst44, well that's a good basis.  You should just check Monster.com or other job offerings in your area to see what there is the highest demand for.  Also if you don't mind relocating, check all over... I'm sure you could send in some resumes with a background in those languages.

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ASP and JSP refer to multiple things, sometimes simply referred to as "technology" (convenient, isn't it). Including a format for procedure calls in a programming language (VB, #C, Java), markup and engine.


Perhaps one could say they are (partly) "languages", in the sense that it defines a syntax, but before anything else they are a complementary platform to platforms associated with programming languages. You can't "write an application in JSP/ASP". You can write and application in C#, using ASP.NET, or an application in Java, using JSP, etc etc.


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