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Help with using one table to insert into another


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Can someone give me an example?  I have an update query that uses two manual inputs from a PHP page.  I put in the recordid and the multiplier and it changes pricing for all the products by the second amount.  Ths issue is that I have 13 records (and it could grow) and it is getting tiresome to manually put in the info.  Here's my query:


     ( pricebookid
     , productid
     , listprice )
select (".$fieldvalue1.")
     , productid
     , (unit_price *.769) * (".$fieldvalue2.")
  from vtiger_products";

$fieldvalue1 and $fieldvalue2 would be the variables that I need to use from a different table.  The table only has two fields, recordid and markup.


Ideally I would like to setup a PHP page to do this with a button and some sort of status , but that is icing on the cake, for now getting the query to work would be great.  Any advice is appreciated

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Thanks I hadn't thought of joining the tables in a query  Here's what I have so far:


Inner Join vtiger_pricebookcf ON vtiger_pricebook.pricebookid = vtiger_pricebookcf.pricebookid
Inner Join vtiger_pricebookproductrel ON vtiger_pricebookcf.pricebookid = vtiger_pricebookproductrel.pricebookid
Inner Join vtiger_productcf ON vtiger_pricebookproductrel.productid = vtiger_productcf.productid



This gets me a list or output of all the products info.  Now I need to insert into vtiger_pricebookproductrel.listprice the result of vtiger_productcf.cf_450 * vtiger_pricebookproductrel.listprice into table vtiger_pricebookproductrel  In the end I need new info into the vtiger_pricebookproductrel table including the pricebookid, and the listprice.  How difficult is that?



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