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"failed to open stream: No such file or directory in" error


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Am a newbie using PHP Version 5.2.6.


I am consitently getting this error


Warning: include(/layout.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in E:\Tata\PHPSites\Membership\index.php on line 3


Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/layout.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in E:\Tata\PHPSites\Membership\index.php on line 3


Fatal error: Call to undefined function myheader() in E:\Tata\PHPSites\Membership\index.php on line 5


the files are existing in there respective directories.


What am i missing?


Thanks in Advance

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your include path is incorrect check if it reffers to the right folder



This is the source file from which i am browsing



// include the layout file

include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/layout.php';

// Use the myheader function from layout.php

myheader("Welcome to My Website!");

// Include the welcome html page.

include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/html/index_page.html';

// Use the footer function from layout.php



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Either $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is not being set on your server or you have some code prior to what you posted that is overwriting it or a statement in a .htaccess file that is setting it to an empty value.


Is the code you just posted to echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] the only code in the file?

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Either $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is not being set on your server or you have some code prior to what you posted that is overwriting it or a statement in a .htaccess file that is setting it to an empty value.


Is the code you just posted to echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] the only code in the file?


That is the only code in my script






Actually i ran up a search and i found it could be because i use IIS and ths is an apache thing.

Could that be?

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Actual code? And what does echoing $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] show? You probably have a missing \ or too many of them \\


the code is that simple.only three lines.

If u follow this topic u will realise i was zeroing down on a problem.






And i use IIS.

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