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[SOLVED] "Does it exist already"


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Hi, i am developing a website that allows users to log in, create accounts, and manage accounts. I am storing the users in a database table. Then I am using php to let them do the things i mentioned. Everything works great but I need a way of checking the database and making sure that if someone creates an account, it does not have the same information as another one in the table.


So if someone creates an account called Bob, i dont want someone else creating an account with the name Bob. Just seems like a lot of problems will pop up with that. Is there a way to check?


I am using a createAccount.php page that holds the form. Then I have a processCreate.php that handles adding the information so I guess i would need the processCreate updated to add this code.


Here is the process Create:


//Store variables the users choices from index page:

//Switch statement to retrieve the correct security question that was sent over and sets a variable to the correct text
	case '1' :
		$userQuestion = "What is your first pet's name?";
	case '2' :
		$userQuestion = "Where is your home town?";
	case '3' :
		$userQuestion = "What is your mother's maiden name?";
	case '4' :
		$userQuestion = "Where did you go to high school?";
		$userQuestion = "What is your first pet's name?";

//Note: Need to make it so that it checks the name in the database and make sure it doesnt exist
//if name field blank
//redirect the browser back to createaccount.php if wrong
//if password field blank
//if answer field blank
//if emailcheck field blank
//if email field blank
//if email does not match
elseif($email != $emailCheck){

//------------------------End Validation------------------------------

//Make a connection to the server... connect("servername","username","password") (or die is optional to show error)
$link=mysql_connect("localhost","tyzangme_tyler","*****") or die("No server connection".mysql_error());

//connect to our database
$db=mysql_select_db("tyzangme_clickndine") or die("No Database Connection ".mysql_error());

//construct a SQL query that selects users from DB
$query="INSERT INTO clientTable VALUES (NULL,\"$namechoice\",\"$passchoice\",\"normal\",\"$userQuestion\",\"$answer\",\"$email\");";

//run the query

//close the connection

//redirect the browser back to index with string that activates message



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