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Data output into PHP webpage


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Hello everyone!


I am pretty new to php and mysql databases but I am pressing onward and learning!


I recently created a new website and want to have the information in a table displayed within the site. I have done some searching around this site and the web but have been unable to find a starting point.


The reason for this is to have other people update the database and have the information then displayed on the site, mainly so I don't have to do all the work.


I have created a table in my database named "headlines" and have created several fields the way I think they need to be. I also entered one record for testing. Here is the sql script used to create the fields:


CREATE TABLE `headlines` (


  `day_start` VARCHAR(20) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

  `date_start` DATE NOT NULL,

  `time_start` TIME NOT NULL,

  `day_end` VARCHAR(20) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci DEFAULT NULL,

  `date_end` DATE DEFAULT NULL,

  `time_end` TIME DEFAULT NULL,

  `location` VARCHAR(20) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',


  `description` LONGTEXT NOT NULL,

  `archived` INTEGER(1) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


AUTO_INCREMENT=2 CHARACTER SET 'latin1' COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci';


I hope to be able to display this: "Friday, January 23rd - Sunday, January 25th - Too Cold To Stink Campout" or this "Tuesday, February 3rd 7:00 p.m. - Bowling Introduction"


I want the person updating the database to have to put in a start day, like Tuesday, a start date like "February 3rd" a name like "Bowling Introduction" and a description of the event that will be displayed on another page.


Actually if it helps, here is the site with the events formatted they way I want the sql scripts to do it. I just manually typed each in as of now though. http://www.crew356.org. and if you go to http://www.crew356.org/events, you can see the way I want the descriptions formatted and displayed. Again, I have just typed in each entry at this point.


So after all that, can anyone give me a starting point to get the accomplished. In the end, my goal is to have a page where someone can login, and update the database with fields right in the site. But right now I just want the site to display the information in the database the way I want and have had no luck getting anything from the database to display.


Thanks so much!!

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Thanks, Ill do some more digging to see if I can find something understandable.


Just a quick note too, I don't want to drop the day/date/time fields and use the date stamp because the dates and times are all for future events. Using a current time stamp would be of no use unless I don't understand what you said.

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Current time stamp is not relevant, you want your Dates and Times stored in a method which lets you access and search properly.


It can be current, past, future... really doesn't matter, it's the Format it's stored in that matters.

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