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I'm trying to preg_replace the following, but it seems to only find the base href in caps.. What can I do to fix?? Or is it possible to search for both with one search line?? if that makes any sense??


function TranslateVariables($input)
global $SITEURL;
$search = array("/<BASE HREF=\"(.*?)\">/",
				"/<base href=\"(.*?)\" \/>/"
$replace = array("<BASE HREF=\"$SITEURL/\">",
				 "<base href=\"$SITEURL/\" />"
return preg_replace ($search, $replace, $input); 

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Would this more along the lines of what you are looking for?


$search = '#<BASE HREF=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]>#i'


If you're matching quotes, you might want to try something like:

'/<base href=([\'"])(.+?)\1>/i'

That way the quotes are matched.

Oops.. yeah, forgot to explain the i modifier...my bad. Thanks CV.


@Darkwater... yes, you can do that to match quotes... I just have a tendency to look for either single or double quotes (which admittedly does look wierd matching something like "blah'. Odds are, web code wouldn't mix and match.. but for neatness, sure.. you could do that ;) I would recommend using negated character classes such as ([^\'"]+) as opposed to (.+?), as they are [generally] faster.

I switched it to this and it got rid of the error, but it is not finding any matches..


function TranslateVariables($input)
global $SITEURL;
$search = array("/<base href=(['\"])(.+?)\1>/i"
$replace = array("<base href=\"$SITEURL/\" />"
return preg_replace ($search, $replace, $input); 

You shouldn't need to use arrays for $search and $replace, as they both contain one value each.. Is this along the lines of what you are looking for?


$str = '<BASE HREF="hello">';
$SITEURL = "goobye";

function TranslateVariables($input, $TARGET)
   $search = '/<base href=([\'"])[^\'"]+\1>/i';
   $replace = "<base href=\"$TARGET\" />"; 
   return preg_replace ($search, $replace, $input); 

echo TranslateVariables($str, $SITEURL);


Edit... instead of echoing, you can use the initial string instead.. so if there is a match, the string itself will be changed.. if not, nothing happens...


$str = TranslateVariables($str, $SITEURL);
echo $str;

I do have multiple values in the arrays, I just took out the rest to show my problem.. Here is the full function:


function TranslateVariables($input, $props = "")
global $VAR, $TEMPL, $sitedir, $USER, $SITEHOMEURL, $SITEURL;
$search = array("/<title>.*?<\/title>/im", 
				"/<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\".*?\">/im",
				"/<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\".*?\" \/>/im", 
				"/<meta name=\"description\" content=\".*?\">/im", 
				"/<meta name=\"description\" content=\".*?\" \/>/im", 
				"/<BASE HREF=\"(.*?)\">/",
$replace = array("<title>".EncodeText($VAR['title'])." - ".($props['title'])."</title>",
				 "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"".(stripslashes($props['keywords']))."\">", 
				 "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"".(stripslashes($props['keywords']))."\" />",
				 "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"".(stripslashes($props['description']))."\">", 
				 "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"".(stripslashes($props['description']))."\" />", 
				 "<BASE HREF=\"$SITEURL/\">",

if (strlen($VAR['logo'])>0)
    $search[] = "/<!--CorpLogo-->/";
    $replace[] = "<a href=\"index.php\"><img border=0 src=\"".$VAR['logo']."\" ".$TEMPL['logohtml']."></a>";
return preg_replace ($search, $replace, $input); 



I have a question.. What does the +\1 mean in this line:

'/<base href=([\'"])[^\'"]+\1>/i';

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