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Column widths on echo'ed tables; FireFox and IE differences


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Hi, sorry if this is inappropriate to ask here, shoot me down if so ;)


I am using "echo" to display a table if which the left column MUST be 200 pixels wide, and no more for proper presentation.


In my code I have:




<td width ='200' align='left' valign='top'>";










(please excuse silly typos - reading from laptop and posting from desktop compys, plus food has just been dished up!


In Firefox the left column width is 100% perfect


In IE the column width seems to be ignored, and the browser just does what it wants, something its most of the page wide, sometimes just some.


Does anybody know why IE behaves inconsistently and is there a trick to make it perform like Firefox?


Cheers me mateys :)


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I thought so, my apologies there.


Haven't had such probs to this degree with column widths when the page is HTML, so just thought there might be a little PHP trick involved there ;)


Maybe IE should be taken out Fight Club style, I figure this must be one of the most annoying aspects of webdev - your site looks cool on all browsers but the browser which happens to be shipped with the most used OS.


Dam them MicroSoft peeps


(sorry if thats you!)

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