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We are doing a standalone Apache project in one of my classes and I'm having a number of problems.  Some of these are going to seem super obvious but my teacher isn't a huge fan of helping people with basic questions.  I'm using Apache 2.2 in Vista


Right now I'm trying to enable dav.  I changed the httpd.conf file in the following way to set it up


DavLockDB "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\var\davlock"



<Location "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\var\www\davtest">

Order Allow,Deny

Allow from all

Dav On

AuthType Basic

AuthName DAV

AuthUserFile "C:\program files\apache software foundation\apache2.2\bin\pswdfile"

<LimitExcept GET OPTIONS>

Require valid-user




I also enabled all of the dav mods and whatnot.  I restarted the Apache server and it worked fine but I have no idea how to test it and make sure that it is actually working.  I need to take a screenshot of the folder I used for dav showing that it is accessable.  My other big problem here is that I'm unsure if I need to create this davlockdb file myself or if it creates it automatically.

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Hrmmm, I've never used WebDAV before, but it looks fairly straight forward from the docs.  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_dav.html



The DavLockDB should be created automatically.



How to test it?  Just go to davtest and see if it asks you for a password.



By the way, incase you don't know how, you'll need to use htpasswd.exe in the bin folder of the Apache folder to make your pswfile.

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How to test it?  Just go to davtest and see if it asks you for a password.



By the way, incase you don't know how, you'll need to use htpasswd.exe in the bin folder of the Apache folder to make your pswfile.


Yea, I have a password file made that I am referencing.  I'm not sure exactly what you mean though when you say "just go to davtest."  Do you mean just go to the folder through explorer because that does not ask for a password.


I have never really done anything with servers before so again, I'm sorry I need to ask some of these really obvious questions.

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After screwing around with it a bit I got it to work.  Is there a way, however, for me to "log out" so that I need to put in the password again.


Also, shouldn't I be able to access it as a web folder?  If not, how can I access a remote Apache server? (I need to put a file in my teachers apache site but I am not sure how to get to a place that allows me to upload files.)

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You'll have to tell your web client to forget the auth details.  With basic HTTP authentication, the user/pass credentials are actually sent on every single request, so it's on the client side to "logout."  Hrmmm you could try Control+F5 but besides closing and reopening the browser, I don't know a surefire way.



To put a file on his server you will most likely need a DAV client.  (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=DAV+client&btnG=Google+Search)



Did your teacher give you instructions at all on how to put stuff on his server?  Did he say to use DAV?

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