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Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in D:\WWWRoot\effe


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I'm trying to write an email.php script for my website: www.effectu.nl


Now i'm getting this error and do not know what to do with it.


$message->to = "alex@effectu.nl";
$message->ref = "effectu.nl";

//check for POST and form send from effectu.nl


function sanitize($input) {
    return ucfirst(trim(strip_tags($input)));

//check and sanitize POST fields
else $message->send=false;

else $message->send=false;

else $message->send=false;

else $message->send=false;

else $message->send=false;

else $message->send=false;

//if all POST fields are not empty, send!

	//construction of the email
	$message->subject	= $data->name." stuurde een bericht vanaf effectu.nl";
	$message->headers = "From: ".$data->email." \r\n".
	"Reply-To: ".$message->to."\r\n".
	"X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion();
	$message->message 	.= "Bericht verstuurd vanaf www.effectu.nl \r\n\r\n";
	$message->message 	.= "Naam: ".$data->name1." \r\n";
	$message->message 	.= "Bedrijf: ".$data->company." \r\n";
	$message->message 	.= "Email: ".$data->email." \r\n";
	$message->message 	.= "Telefoon: ".$data->phone." \r\n";
	$message->message 	.= "Website: ".$data->website." \r\n\r\n";
	$message->message 	.= "Bericht: ".$data->message1." \r\n";

	//send the email
	mail($message->to, $message->subject, $message->message, $message->headers);




Does anyone know the solution?

The problem is in this line






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I might be wrong, but I think that when using if else, you have to use brackets {}


if(!empty(sanitize($_POST['name1']))) {
}else {

Using curly brackets in this is probably a better option.

You are using an alternative if else syntax.

so if you use and alternative if else you should not place the semicolon after the if line. instead use :

  //output if
  //output else



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I json_encode it :)


Ok. I said it a bit tongue in the cheek. The app I spend most of the time on has GUI created with ExtJS and gets all data from server by Ajax requests.


I know that sometimes mixing PHP with HTML is close to unevitable (template engines help a lot though)

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Point is: they make you mix those in files separated from business logic. Sure, I can split my code myself without template engines... but template engine is like having someone watching over you, so that you don't take any shortcuts.

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I just don't see the point in e.g. (Smarty):

{foreach from=$myArray item=foo}

instead of

<?php foreach ($myArray as $foo): ?>
<li><?php echo $foo ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>


With discipline and proper app design it shouldn't be a problem to keep it separated (and enforce it separated).

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I just don't see the point in e.g. (Smarty):

{foreach from=$myArray item=foo}

instead of

<?php foreach ($myArray as $foo): ?>
<li><?php echo $foo ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>


With discipline and proper app design it shouldn't be a problem to keep it separated (and enforce it separated).


I'm really glad to see somebody say this. I've been harbouring a dirty little non-templating secret for a long time now and whenever I point out that I actually don't really feel like using a templating language to do exactly the same thing as ordinary PHP would do, I get howls of derision from Rails programmers ;)

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