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Hi this is Sha. I don't know how to start. I am going to design a database where there will be two tables, one for log in details and another one will be for student marks. There should be a standard say 40 marks. If any student gets less than 40, and everytime when he/she log in to the system, it will show him/her a message say for example "do more practice" until he/she reach the standard.

I have got no clue how to start. Can anyone please help me to how to start?

I am sorry if I post this in the wrong forum.




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Hi this is Sha. I don't know how to start. I am going to design a database where there will be two tables, one for log in details and another one will be for student marks. There should be a standard say 40 marks. If any student gets less than 40, and everytime when he/she log in to the system, it will show him/her a message say for example "do more practice" until he/she reach the standard.

I have got no clue how to start. Can anyone please help me to how to start?

I am sorry if I post this in the wrong forum.





Ummm this belongs in some SQL DB forum...



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Hi this is Sha. I don't know how to start. I am going to design a database where there will be two tables, one for log in details and another one will be for student marks. There should be a standard say 40 marks. If any student gets less than 40, and everytime when he/she log in to the system, it will show him/her a message say for example "do more practice" until he/she reach the standard.

I have got no clue how to start. Can anyone please help me to how to start?

I am sorry if I post this in the wrong forum.





Ummm this belongs in some SQL DB forum...




No it doesn't, thats where I moved it from.


@bal bal: What code do you have already?

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if (isset($_COOKIE['login']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "index.php"){

   $mark = $database_query->marks;

   if ($mark <= 40){
      echo 'Yikes! It looks like you need to work a little harder to bring up your grade!';




Something like that is what you mean?

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This is a pretty simple set of requirements.  You need a routine that queries the database and determines whether they have met the criteria or not.  Since you brought it up --- what database structure have you arrived at for storing the "marks"  By marks, I assume you mean grades?  So the idea is:


Student Table  ---


Where 1 student can have many Grades?


Usually, there would also be a course table in there, so you could have the same student take many courses, but maybe you don't need that.



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if u r a complete newbie to coding, then i hope this will help a lill


make a table called 'Login' with fields 





then a table called 'Grades' made, with fields like


id[set it as foreign key to the field 'id' of table 'Login'],





when a person tries to login, a php code will check if the username and password entered matches any entry of 'Login' table.


if it matches, then get the corresponding 'id', and continue inside the website. otherwise, ask for correct login information again..

now, as soon as thy login, run a php code, which will run a query to see if the value of 'totalgrade' field of table 'Login', corresponding to the id you got in the last step, is above 40.


if it is not, then give an alert message...


this is very basic stuff..just to get u sarted. you will have to learn abt.


html [for login form]

mysql [for making tables, populating and retrieving data from it.]

php [to make the whole thing work]

and lill

javascript[to give alert message.. you can do without it too.]





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