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passing a value inside the same page...


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i am a beginner at PHP, so im posting this to ask if this is a no-no, or if this is ok. it's just a snippet but the idea behind it is that user will chose which type of user they are, and the page will load the correct information for that user...


if ($_GET['type'] == '') {

echo '<a href="register.php?type=tutor">TUTOR</a> or <a href="register.php?type=student">STUDENT</a>';
elseif ($_GET['type'] == "tutor") {
	echo 'you have chosen tutor'; }
else {
	echo 'you have chosen student';

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Your condition structure assumes that your GET var exists.  It starts out by assuming that it exists but has a 0 length value.  It only happens to work on first load because a variable that doesn't exist coincidentally happens to have a 0 length value.  If the rest of your script is setup to always be passing that var via GET, and it's a matter of whether it's '' or something else, then your condition is okay.  But if its not, consider using isset


You also have it setup to where if $_GET['type'] exists and is anything other than '' or 'tutor', then it must be a student.  So if I were to enter this into the url:




your student message will appear. 


If that is your intention, then sure, you're good to go. 

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ok so i started messing with it and came up with this...



$type = $_GET['type'];

if (isset($type))
if ($type == "tutor") {
	echo 'you have chosen tutor'; }
else {
if ($type == "student") {
	echo 'you have chosen student'; }
else {		
echo '<a href="register.php?type=tutor">TUTOR</a> or <a href="register.php?type=student">STUDENT</a>';


the problem however is that it only works if i enter the ?type=tutor if there is no ?type= in the url it dosnt display the 2 links like i want it to. is it a problem with how i set the $type by using the $_GET?

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ok something just came to me, and i went ahead and changed the code to this, it now works to display the links, but if i pass a random value it still thinks i have chosen tutor...



$type = $_GET['type'];

if (isset($type) && $type='tutor') {
	echo 'you have chosen tutor'; }
elseif ($type == "student") {
	echo 'you have chosen student'; }
else {		
echo '<a href="register.php?type=tutor">TUTOR</a> or <a href="register.php?type=student">STUDENT</a>';



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ok so i went back again after reading your reply blueman387, and came up with this...If i load the page, it displays my links, if i click either link it echo's the right line. as well, if i enter test.php?type=random it echos the links like i wanted it to. now, is this an acceptable way to accomplish this?


if (empty ($_GET['type'])) {
echo '<a href="register.php?type=tutor">TUTOR</a> or <a href="register.php?type=student">STUDENT</a>';	} 
elseif (isset($type) && $type="tutor") {
	echo 'you have chosen tutor'; }
elseif ($type == "student") {
	echo 'you have chosen student'; }


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If you are wanting it to show tutor message if type==tutor, student message if type==student, and the links if it doesn't exist or if tutor==anything else, you can do this:



$type = $_GET['type'];

switch($type) {
   case "tutor" :
      echo 'you have chosen tutor';
   case "student" :
      echo 'you have chosen student'; 
      echo '<a href="?type=tutor">TUTOR</a> or <a href="?type=student">STUDENT</a>';
} // end switch

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crayon that looks good, but i have a question...how is the code i posted working correctly? I mean while reading your reply it caught my eye that i have $type in there, but i never defined a $type in the code...does the $_GET['type'] automatically do so, or...?

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