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hi i'm trying to allow my users to delete post while in a while statement


heres my code

<form action="" method="get" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
        <table border= "1" id="results">
	   		mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); 
mysql_select_db("registration") or die(mysql_error());
	   //This is your query again, the same one... the only difference is we add $max into it
$data_p = "SELECT * FROM post_profile WHERE userid = '$idp' ORDER BY ppid DESC";
$posts = mysql_query($data_p) or die(mysql_error()); 

//This is where you display your query results
while($info = mysql_fetch_array($posts)) 

$userpost= "{$info['post']}";
$updel= "{$info['ppid']}";
$usernamep= "{$info['postingusername']}";
$userdate= "{$info['datepost']}";

$text = ($userpost);
$newtext = wordwrap($text, 30, "<br />\n",true); 

 $deletem= "DELETE FROM `post_profile` WHERE `ppid` = '$updel'";
$deletemessage = mysql_query($deletem) or die(mysql_error());
           echo" <tr><td>$newtext</td></tr>";
echo" <tr><td><FONT size='1'>Posted by $usernamep on $userdate</FONT></td><td>";
			   <form action='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>' method='post'>
		   <input type='submit' name='deletep' value='delete'>

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1) u r querying user table with user id so there will be only one record, why do u need while loop?

2) if its not user table and somethign else and returns more than one record, then what u r doing is fetching all records, and deleting it one by one. anyways all ur records for that user are going to be deleted, why not just delete them qith one query. while loop not required again !

$updel is in while loop for all ids u r fetching from database. to delete specific post, you will have to take post id from user.


1) Show all posts to user using while loop. Each post will have a radio button. this should be ofcourse inside a form.

2) On submit, put value of radio button in $updel. dont do the while loop. just fire the delete query once with $updel and user_id (BTW where is user id coming from?) in the WHERE clause.

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