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[SOLVED] data is not writing to the e-mail field


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I am trying to write a PHP script that will write data to a MySQL database (obviously). However, the e-mail field is not working. (everything is NULL when data is entered). Is there something wrong in my coding?


form page

$conn = new db_conn();

//get user id
$id = $_SESSION['emp_sess_uid'];

$count = 6;

//get values
for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++){
       $name[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_name' . $i]));
       $position[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_pos' . $i]));
       $street[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_street' . $i]));
       $city[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_city' . $i]));
       $state[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_state' . $i]));
       $zip[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_zip' . $i]));
       $phone1_[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_phone1_' . $i]));
       $phone2_[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_phone2_' . $i]));
       $phone3_[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_phone3_' . $i]));
       $phone[$i] = $phone1_[$i].$phone2_[$i].$phone3_[$i];
       $email[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_email' . $i]));
//do records already exist?
for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++){
       $ref_exists[$i] = $conn->record_exists_with_num('refs',$id,$i);
       //echo $i . ": ".$ref_exists[$i];

//construct query
//construct fail_to_reemploy queries
for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++){
       if (!$ref_exists[$i]){
             $query        = "insert into refs (";
             $query .= "id, num, name, position, ";
             $query .= "street, city, state, zip, phone, email) ";
             $query .= "values ($id, ";
             $query .= $i . ", ";
             $query .= "'" . $name[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "'" . $position[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "'" . $street[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "'" . $city[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "'" . $state[$i] . "', ";
        $query .= "zip = " . $zip[$i] . ", ";
        $query .= "phone = " . $phone[$i] . " ";
        $query .= "email = " . $email[$i] . " ";
        $query .= " where id=$id ";

             $query  = "update refs set ";
             $query .= "name = '" . $name[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "position = '" . $position[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "street = '" . $street[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "city = '" . $city[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "state = '" . $state[$i] . "', ";
        $query .= "zip = " . $zip[$i] . ", ";
        $query .= "phone = " . $phone[$i] . " ";
        $query .= "email = " . $email[$i] . " ";
        $query .= " where id=$id ";

             $query .= "and num=$i";
       //echo "<br>query: ".$query;
       //execute query



post page

$conn = new db_conn();

//get user id
$id = $_SESSION['emp_sess_uid'];

$count = 6;

//get values
for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++){
       $name[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_name' . $i]));
       $position[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_pos' . $i]));
       $street[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_street' . $i]));
       $city[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_city' . $i]));
       $state[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_state' . $i]));
       $zip[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_zip' . $i]));
       $phone1_[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_phone1_' . $i]));
       $phone2_[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_phone2_' . $i]));
       $phone3_[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_phone3_' . $i]));
       $phone[$i] = $phone1_[$i].$phone2_[$i].$phone3_[$i];
       $email[$i] = addslashes(trim($_POST['ref_email' . $i]));
//do records already exist?
for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++){
       $ref_exists[$i] = $conn->record_exists_with_num('refs',$id,$i);
       //echo $i . ": ".$ref_exists[$i];

//construct query
//construct fail_to_reemploy queries
for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++){
       if (!$ref_exists[$i]){
             $query        = "insert into refs (";
             $query .= "id, num, name, position, ";
             $query .= "street, city, state, zip, phone, email) ";
             $query .= "values ($id, ";
             $query .= $i . ", ";
             $query .= "'" . $name[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "'" . $position[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "'" . $street[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "'" . $city[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "'" . $state[$i] . "', ";
        $query .= "zip = " . $zip[$i] . ", ";
        $query .= "phone = " . $phone[$i] . " ";
        $query .= "email = " . $email[$i] . " ";
        $query .= " where id=$id ";

             $query  = "update refs set ";
             $query .= "name = '" . $name[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "position = '" . $position[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "street = '" . $street[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "city = '" . $city[$i] . "', ";
             $query .= "state = '" . $state[$i] . "', ";
        $query .= "zip = " . $zip[$i] . ", ";
        $query .= "phone = " . $phone[$i] . " ";
        $query .= "email = " . $email[$i] . " ";
        $query .= " where id=$id ";

             $query .= "and num=$i";
       //echo "<br>query: ".$query;
       //execute query



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yep you missed the 2nd email line


for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++){
if (!$ref_exists[$i]){
	$query 	= "insert into refs (";
	$query .= "id, num, name, position, ";
	$query .= "street, city, state, zip, phone, email) ";
	$query .= "values ($id, ";
	$query .= $i . ", ";
	$query .= "'" . $name[$i] . "', ";
	$query .= "'" . $position[$i] . "', ";
	$query .= "'" . $street[$i] . "', ";
	$query .= "'" . $city[$i] . "', ";
	$query .= "'" . $state[$i] . "', ";
        $query .= "zip = " . $zip[$i] . ", ";
        $query .= "phone = " . $phone[$i] . " ";
        $query .= "'" . $email[$i] . "' ";// <-------------you got this one
        $query .= " where id=$id ";
	$query  = "update refs set ";
	$query .= "name = '" . $name[$i] . "', ";
	$query .= "position = '" . $position[$i] . "', ";
	$query .= "street = '" . $street[$i] . "', ";
	$query .= "city = '" . $city[$i] . "', ";
	$query .= "state = '" . $state[$i] . "', ";
        $query .= "zip = " . $zip[$i] . ", ";
        $query .= "phone = " . $phone[$i] . " ";
        $query .= "email = '" . $email[$i] . "' "; // <-------------you missed this one
        $query .= " where id=$id ";

	$query .= "and num=$i";
echo "<br>query: ".$query;

//execute query

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query: update refs set name = 'ITD Testing', position = 'ITD Testing', street = 'ITD Testing', city = 'ITD Testing', state = 'AK', zip = 39042, phone = 5555555555 email = myemail@email.com where id=967 and num=1

query: update refs set name = 'ITD Testing', position = 'ITD Testing', street = 'ITD Testing', city = 'ITD Testing', state = 'MT', zip = 55555, phone = 5555555555 email = where id=967 and num=2

query: update refs set name = 'ITD Testing', position = 'ITD Testing', street = 'ITD Testing', city = 'ITD Testing', state = 'ND', zip = 55555, phone = 5555555555 email = where id=967 and num=3

query: update refs set name = 'ITD TestingITD Testing', position = 'ITD Testing', street = 'ITD Testing', city = 'ITD Testing', state = 'NC', zip = 55555, phone = 5555555555 email = where id=967 and num=4

query: update refs set name = 'ITD Testing', position = 'ITD Testing', street = 'ITD Testing', city = 'ITD Testing', state = 'MT', zip = 55555, phone = 5555555555 email = where id=967 and num=5

query: update refs set name = 'ITD Testing', position = 'ITD Testing', street = 'ITD Testing', city = 'ITD Testing', state = 'NC', zip = 55555, phone = 5555555555 email = where id=967 and num=6

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you need to realize what you are doing wrong



In MySQL You should follow these rules


1) Escape table and field names with ` ` (key to the left of 1 in QWERTY keyboard)


2) any value needs to be quoted with '' around the value (your phone/zip aren't)


3) Use break lines in your queries to help you decipher what it is saying.



Do you see any errors now?

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