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IE Object error


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A lot of my users (not all) get this IE alert when closing my website. The issue is, it does not give any indication to the function/line where the error is being triggered


Any ideas how to debug this. I have about 2000 lines of javascript in 5 files... so not feasible to do this manually


There is nothing wrong with LINE 1 or CHAR 1 and if I remove that line completely I still get the error


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Unfortunately, your request is a bit vague.


Is the error occurring with a certain version of IE?

Do you have any code that's supposed to fire when the page is unloaded?

Have you checked it with FireFox and FireBug?

Can you generate the error yourself?

Are you waiting to load the JS until after the HTML is fully rendered?

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Is the error occurring with a certain version of IE? - IE6 and IE7


Do you have any code that's supposed to fire when the page is unloaded? NO


Have you checked it with FireFox and FireBug? No ALERT error with firefox but I guess thats because this is an IE thing (alerting)


Can you generate the error yourself? NO


Are you waiting to load the JS until after the HTML is fully rendered? NO



Im just wondering why IE says its on LINE1 CHAR1.  Is that where I should be looking?

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Are you waiting to load the JS until after the HTML is fully rendered? NO


Without being able to see the code, this could be the root of the problem.  You need to ensure that the HTML is fully rendered before attempting to obtain element references.  If you're using a lot of inline JavaScript, then it won't be much of an issue as it's written at the same time as the markup.  But if you have element references placed within <script> tags, they may be null because JavaScript is attempting to obtain the elements before they exist.


So, something like:

<script type="text/javascript">
   window.onload = function()
      /* script goes here */


May fix the issue.


Again, this is without seeing any code, so there's definitely no guarantee that this will fix the issue.

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Here I have this


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> 
var init_user = "";
var init_password = "";


<script type="text/javascript">Drag.init(document.getElementById("draglol"));</script>



<script type="text/javascript"> 

_uacct = "UA-272345490-1";



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Unfortunately, that doesn't really shed any light on the problem.  It looks like you have several 'islands' of JS in your code, but without seeing exactly where it's located in the document, and any code that provides context for what's going on, I can't really diagnose the problem.


Is this JS something you wrote yourself, or is it a 3rd party script?

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its a 3rd party script from google ads it keeps telling me urchintracker is 'undefined' :P

<script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
  _uacct = "UA-9999999-9"
  if (typeof(urchinTracker) != 'undefined')


dont know if that will solve the problem

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Unfortunately, that doesn't really shed any light on the problem.  It looks like you have several 'islands' of JS in your code, but without seeing exactly where it's located in the document, and any code that provides context for what's going on, I can't really diagnose the problem.


Is this JS something you wrote yourself, or is it a 3rd party script?

I wrote a lot of it but I use things like SwfFlashObject



its a 3rd party script from google ads it keeps telling me urchintracker is 'undefined' :P

<script type="text/javascript>
var _uacct = "UA-9999999-9";
  if (typeof(urchinTracker) != 'undefined'){


dont know if that will solve the problem

Thats fine urchinTracker() is refferenced further up in the code

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