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I have an idea for a captcha. About 2 years ago I read that humans can read a word, and entire paragraphs with all the letters mixed up - as long as the first and last letter of each word remained in the same place.






So...why not put this into a captcha. Feed it a list of 6-10 letter words from a text file, mix the middle parts of the words up and present it on the page.


How hard would it be for a bot to crack something like that? I imagine it would have to run through a range of possible words, probably check for an anagram first.


My first logic to decipher this is:


-check for anagram (if 1 anagram -> cracked!)


-put first and last letter into var (if only 1 word can be obtained from mixed letters -> cracked!)


So I guess it entirely depends on the ambiguity of the words. One idea I had was to feed it famous phrases and quotes...


I'd like some constructive input on this. I feel it's fairly weak, but what would YOU do to make it secure...can you make it secure?




Hrmmm wow, I actually kind like that idea.



It would have to be sufficiently long that a bot couldn't just sit there and unscramble the word.  Hrmmmm....  I'm wondering now just how hard it would be to unscramble a word.



For example, tloltay wouldn't be hard at all to descramble.  Just find words that have only those letters in them, which would probably turn up just "totally."




I see two problems though:


1.  Readability.  Can all people read stuff like that, or just most?  (Or even like 50%?)

2.  Some people might get confused.  CAPTCHAs have become standard now, and some people might be like "What the heck is that?  I guess I just put the letters in?"  So you would of course have to explain it on the page.  (Not really a problem, just a concern.)


I guess you addressed #1 with the famous quotes thing, even though that assumes that the average user will actually recognize a famous quote.




It would be interesting to see how hard it would be to crack it.  Unfortunately, with a decent word list handy, I don't think it would be hard for a program to crack it :(.



I might find a word list later and see how hard it is to crack something like this.  (I would imagine not hard at all.)

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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