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i'm a new to jquery and was wondering if someone can help me.

i have this code in javascript to show/hide a table, it depends which radio button is choosen

function showyes(what)
	if(what.value == "yes")
		document.getElementById('Table6').style.display = "inline";
		document.getElementById('Table7').style.display = "none";

	else if(what.value == "no")
		document.getElementById('Table6').style.display = "inline";
		document.getElementById('Table7').style.display = "inline";

function showno(what)
	if(what.id = "no" && what.checked)
		document.getElementById('info2').style.display = "inline";

	else if(!what.checked)
		document.getElementById('info2').style.display = "none";

how can i do this using jquery??the above code works fine but not on all browsers for istance on IE7 it doesn't change directly after i selected a radio button. that's why i want to use jquery since it supports cross browser.


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In jQuery, you can just use the show() and hide() methods.



For example, to hide a div with an id of "HideThis", you could do:



(Selectors in jQuery are much like CSS selectors.)



To get the value of something, you can do:



here is a simple tutorial from jquery site



one of jquery's advantages is you dont have to use "document.getElementById" etc

the $() function works like a css selector like corbin said

ok, i came up with this

$(document).ready(function() {
<input type="radio" value="no" name="exists" id="no" checked="checked">
<input type="radio" value="yes" name="exists" id="yes"> 

but the table isn't hiding


another issue appeared...i'm using this code to show some sliding animation and it is working fine

   	$("#pollresults").slideToggle("normal"); return false;

but in IE7 after the table slideups it reappears for a split second. this doesn't occur on opera or firefox

any ideas


<!-- jquery for this page -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// initialize the jquery code
//close all the content divs on page load

// toggle slide
// by calling sibling, we can use same div for all demos

// regular toggle with speed of 'slow'

// fade in and out
$('#fadeInOut').toggle(function() {
}, function() {

$('#animate').click(function() {


sorry darkfreaks, but i don't understand what u mean??

here's my full code

function callback() {

$(document).ready(function() {
   	$("#pollresults").slideToggle("normal"); return false;
   	$("#emailinfo").slideToggle("normal"); return false;
   	$("#tellinfo").slideToggle("normal", callback()); return false;

to see my problem go to this website http://goingpublic.me/newbr/ in IE7 and click on "tell a friend" or "view results" on the right to see what happens when it slidesup


i know i'm a pain :D, here's my problem:

i'm currently using the validation plugin to

validate my forms.

<script src="includes/jquery/jquery.validate.js" type="text/
<script src="includes/jquery/cmxforms.js" type="text/javascript"></

<script type="text/javascript">
              submitHandler: function() { alert("submitted!"); }

      $().ready(function() {
                      rules: {
                              restname: "required"
                      messages: {
                              restname: "<br><font face=\"Arial\" style=\"font-size: 9pt\" color=
\"#96A26F\">Please enter your Restaurant Name</font>"

      $(document).ready(function() {
<form method="post" action="add.php" id="addrest" class="cmxform">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
                              <td valign="top" align="left" style="width: 98px">
                                      <font color="#B9A49B" face="Arial" style="font-size: 8pt">
                                              <label for="restname">Restaurant Name</label>

                              <td valign="top" align="left" style="width: 204px">
                                      <input type="text" class="required" name="restname" id="restname"
size="35" style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Arial; color: #56443D;


the above code is working and shows the "required field" but when i

press the submit button agian it adds another message under the old

one. also when i type in something the "required field" doesn't go it


this happens on opera and FF but not in IE7.

any ideas??


u can see this if u follow the link in my previous post then go to "add you restaurant" on the left, i also tried asking in the jquery dicussion thread but for some reason my post is not showing up



                $("#commentdiv").hide("slow"); $("#togglediv").text("show");
                $("#commentdiv").show("slow"); $("#togglediv").text("hide");


Edit: Works in IE7 and FF

my problem is not with this

$(document).ready(function() {

this is to show/hide a tr, and not for the validation. i get this if the user didn't write in something in the input field (taken from firebug)

<label class="error" for="restname" generated="true">Please enter Restaurant Name</label>

and keeps adding this code if the user presses submit and doesn't disappear if the input field is not empty


after day and a half of banging my head to the wall, i finally fixed the issue, for the validation. it turns out that if you put a form tag in a table is screws the validation, put the table inside a form and not vice versa.

thanks for the help guys

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