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Apache won't start when not connected to home network


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Hi All,


I am fairly new to Apache. I have it installed and currently running on my Vista Ultimate Laptop. When I am connected to my home network, the Apache service starts and everything works just fine. If I take my laptop to another location, the Apache service will not start.


The second issue I have is regarding the way I access my Apache server via the laptop. Since installation and configuration I have been able to hit my server using http://localhost/site. I haven't made any changes and I can no longer hit localhost. I have to specifically call the IP address of the laptop.


I appreciate any help with these two issues.


thanks in advance,



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As for your second issue, Go to Start > Programs > Accessories. Right click on Notepad and select Run as Administrator (this is required in vista to edit the hosts file), Now go to File > Open. In the Filename box type in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts


See if you have the following line in there       localhost


If you can find it, add it. Save the file and try http://localhost/ again.


When I am connected to my home network, the Apache service starts and everything works just fine. If I take my laptop to another location, the Apache service will not start.

When this happens. Have a look at your Apache error log.

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I restarted my laptop with the network cable unplugged. Apache runs as a service and starts automatically on startup. The service did not start. I looked at the error log and there isn't an entry. I then tried to start the process manually. When that failed I looked at the error log again, and still, no entry.


I plugged the network cable in and hit Start and the service started immediately. Here is the resulting entries in my error log:


PHP Warning:  Module 'mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

[Mon Mar 16 13:35:47 2009] [notice] Child 6004: Child process is running

[Mon Mar 16 13:35:47 2009] [notice] Child 6004: Acquired the start mutex.

[Mon Mar 16 13:35:47 2009] [notice] Child 6004: Starting 64 worker threads.

[Mon Mar 16 13:35:47 2009] [notice] Child 6004: Starting thread to listen on port 80.

[Mon Mar 16 13:35:47 2009] [notice] Child 6004: Starting thread to listen on port 80.


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