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Okay I can do this in PHP, but I don't have the mysql password for this database (which is associated with an application on the server).

I guess I could create another user with access, but I thought this would be a fun experiment (if it's even possible).

Okay, enough schtuff. I inserted data in a phpbb bulliten board in the order I want it to appear. SURPRISE, it appears in reverse order -- most recent post being at the top of the list. (yes, I can be a big dummy sometimes).

in myPhpAdmin, I'd like to "reverse" the timestamp field for all of the posts so that the last post has the earliest timestamp and the first post has the oldest. I can SELECT * FROM `table` ORDER BY `keyfield` ASC -- to get it in the order I want, but how do I flip the timestamp fields?

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phpbb, a bulliten board (much like this one) automatically sorts by `timestamp` DESC (most recent first). The order I'd like them to be in is the reverse of this. The solution I had come up with was to take the `timestamp` of `keyfield` 1, and apply it to `keyfield` 30. here's a breakdown:

keyfield 1, timestamp 1152806367
keyfield 2, timestamp 1153256253
keyfield 3, timestamp 1153256277
keyfield 4, timestamp 1153256299
keyfield 5, timestamp 1153256318

phpbb is ordering by timestamp DESC. So, reversing the value in the timestamp fields would do the trick.

in PHP, I'd create something kind of like this:
$result1=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `table` ORDER BY `keyfield` ASC");
$result2=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `table` ORDER BY `keyfield` DESC");

while($mykey=mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) {
    mysql_query("UPDATE `table` SET `timestamp` = '".$mydate['timestamp']."' WHERE `keyfield` = '".$mykey['keyfield']."'");
[/code] the code might have some syntax errors, but you get the general idea.
If I change the query, all posts on all boards will be reverse order. So, that post from 2004 will always be first..

Think of this like the FAQ section here. The FAQs are in order... like step 1, step 2, step 3... I went into the bulletin board and entered them in order from first to last -- not realizing that the most recent posts show up first. So, now I have all of the FAQs entered, but they're backward: Step 3, then step 2, then step 1. So this is a quick fix for my bobo, not a permanent change to the way all forum topics will appear.
Oh, now I get it.  Sorry about being so thick.  Well, if you can rely on the UIDs matching the timestamp order, you could always "cheat" by updating the timestamp by subtracting, say, X seconds from each one, where x = uid.  That would reverse the order.
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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