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[SOLVED] Nesting a SELECT in an INSERT


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I haven't found any definite information anywhere I've looked as to whether or not one can throw a SELECT into an INSERT Statement:


INSERT INTO Table1(Col1, Col2, Col3)
VALUES(Value1, SELECT Col6 FROM Table2 WHERE Col7 = 'aVariable' LIMIT 1, value3)


What I'm trying to do is select a value from one column where it corresponds to some text that was retrieved a page earlier. (as in DeptNO and DeptDescription being the 2 columns)


Is this possible?


If it is, It would save a huge amount of code.


Thanks in Advance


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Did you try it to see what the result/error was?


INSERT INTO Table1(Col1, Col2, Col3)

VALUES(Value1, (SELECT Col6 FROM Table2 WHERE Col7 = 'aVariable' LIMIT 1), value3)


If this is in code like PHP, another option would be to just get the variable before doing the Insert statement.

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After some fiddling around I realised it was my syntax that caused the problem.

It is possible to nest a SELECT in an INSERT So long as the table boing updated does not appear in the SELECT.

Here's the example I made:


  AnimalID INT,
  AnimalName VarChar(20)

  OwnerID INT,
  OwnerName VarChar(20),
  Animal INT,
  FOREIGN KEY (Animal) REFERENCES  Animal(AnimalID)

INSERT INTO Animal (AnimalID, AnimalName)
VALUES(1, 'Fred')

INSERT INTO Owner (OwnerID, OwnerName, Animal)
VALUES(12, 'Bob', (SELECT AnimalID FROM Animal WHERE AnimalName='Fred'))


Thanks for all the help.


If this is in code like PHP, another option would be to just get the variable before doing the Insert statement.


I was trying to avoid that, But I have one Self-referencing variable, so I'll have to do that. As for the rest, My job is a lot easier now  ;D

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