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PHP GUI Builders


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Hi guys,I`m editing an open source PHP IT support helpdesk at the moment by adding in some extra functionalists through HTML/PHP/SQL ,I was wondering could anyone recommend any(free) GUI builders to help me with the design of the files that I create and add to the helpdesk.Would it be feasible to use a GUI builder/widget written for a different language?


Thanks alot

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Something that builds GUI`S ,I`m not too familiar with them but I have been told that they are good because I am not used to code or building GUI,there a drag and drop type application I believe.I think that their also known as GUI widgets,I`ve tried googling and open source sites but none seem to be very reliable or are not written for PHP.

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The term gui generally isn't used for web based applications, thats whats thrown me off. HTML is HTML, there are applications like Dreamweaver and the like that claim to be WYSIWYG editors but truth be known, they write terrible code.


Your probably better off getting yourself a decent text editor and a good book on CSS.

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