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[SOLVED] Checkbox implode problem


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Hi guys, small problem, has worked for me before, not sure why it isn't now:




10:00 - 11:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="10:00 - 11:00" /><br />

11:00 - 12:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="11:00 - 12:00" /><br />

12:00 - 13:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="12:00 - 13:00" /><br />

13:00 - 14:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="13:00 - 14:00" /><br />

14:00 - 15:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="14:00 - 15:00" /><br />

15:00 - 16:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="15:00 - 16:00" /><br />




$times = $_POST['time'];

$times = implode(",", $times);


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The output of the form based on his input would be something like this:




So in the PHP, you would have to loop through the "time" variable and combine them.

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ober, what do you mean by that.

When you have a multi-select, the selected items are passed as an array identified by (in case of method=post where object name is "pick[]") $_POST['pick']

The array only contains the selected items. Same with a checkbox array, only the items checked will be passed into $_POST['time'] array.


Mutley, if you simply aren't getting anything into the array $_POST['time'], be sure your forms method = "post". That's a common thing to look over.

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OMG... I'm an idiot. I just got done answering an explode thread and my mind was stuck on that.


Mutley, ignore my posts in this thread. I need to go take a break. What you have should work fine with the exception of what Brian mentioned.

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No worries ober! :)


Form seems fine.


<form action="" method="post">
	<td>Event Name:</td>
	<td><input type="text" name="name" /></td>
	<td colspan="2">Event Information:</td>
	<td colspan="2"><textarea id="content" style="width:450px; height:200px" name="info"></textarea></td>
	<td>Dates of Event:</td>
		Day 1: 
		<select name="sD1">
			// Cycle through days
			while($i <= 31){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<select name="sM1">
			<option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option>
			<option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option>
			<option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option>
			<option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option>
			<option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option>
			<option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option>
			<option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option>
			<option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option>
			<option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option>
			<option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option>
			<option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option>
			<option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option>
		<select name="sY1">
			// Cycle through years
			while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<br />Day 2: 
		<select name="sD2">
			// Cycle through days
			while($i <= 31){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<select name="sM2">
			<option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option>
			<option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option>
			<option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option>
			<option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option>
			<option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option>
			<option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option>
			<option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option>
			<option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option>
			<option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option>
			<option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option>
			<option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option>
			<option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option>
		<select name="sY2">
			// Cycle through years
			while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<br />Day 3: 
		<select name="sD3">
			// Cycle through days
			while($i <= 31){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<select name="sM3">
			<option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option>
			<option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option>
			<option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option>
			<option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option>
			<option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option>
			<option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option>
			<option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option>
			<option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option>
			<option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option>
			<option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option>
			<option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option>
			<option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option>
		<select name="sY3">
			// Cycle through years
			while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";


					10:00 - 11:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="10:00 - 11:00" /><br />
					11:00 - 12:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="11:00 - 12:00" /><br />
					12:00 - 13:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="12:00 - 13:00" /><br />
					13:00 - 14:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="13:00 - 14:00" /><br />
					14:00 - 15:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="14:00 - 15:00" /><br />
					15:00 - 16:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="15:00 - 16:00" /><br />
					16:00 - 17:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="16:00 - 17:00" /><br />
					17:00 - 18:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="17:00 - 18:00" /><br />
					18:00 - 19:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="18:00 - 19:00" /><br />
					19:00 - 20:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="19:00 - 20:00" /><br />
					20:00 - 21:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="20:00 - 21:00" /><br />
					21:00 - 22:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="21:00 - 22:00" />

	<td> </td>
	<td><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td>

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Must be something wrong with your server config... it works fine for me when I copy and paste your code:




    [0] => 11:00 - 12:00

    [1] => 12:00 - 13:00

    [2] => 13:00 - 14:00



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Whole file code, including PHP part:



$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
$info = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['info']);
$gettimes = $_POST['time'];
$times = implode(",", $gettimes);

$sD1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sD1']);
$sD2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sD2']);
$sD3 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sD3']);

$sM1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sM1']);
$sM2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sM2']);
$sM3 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sM3']);

$sY1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sY1']);
$sY2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sY2']);
$sY3 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sY3']);

if(empty($name) || empty($info)){
echo "<b>Please fill in all the fields</b><br /><br />";

$sql="INSERT INTO `events` (`name`,`info`,`date`,`times`) VALUES ('$name','$info','$sD1-$sM1-$sY1,$sD2-$sM2-$sY2,$sD3-$sM3-$sY3','$times')";
//echo $sql;

echo "<b>Thank-you, the event has been created succesfully.</b><br /><br />";


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You can add a new event below.
<br /><br />
Once you add a new event, it automatically becomes live and removes the current one from the page.
<br /><br />

<form action="" method="post">
	<td>Event Name:</td>
	<td><input type="text" name="name" /></td>
	<td colspan="2">Event Information:</td>
	<td colspan="2"><textarea id="content" style="width:450px; height:200px" name="info"></textarea></td>
	<td>Dates of Event:</td>
		Day 1: 
		<select name="sD1">
			// Cycle through days
			while($i <= 31){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<select name="sM1">
			<option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option>
			<option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option>
			<option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option>
			<option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option>
			<option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option>
			<option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option>
			<option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option>
			<option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option>
			<option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option>
			<option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option>
			<option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option>
			<option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option>
		<select name="sY1">
			// Cycle through years
			while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<br />Day 2: 
		<select name="sD2">
			// Cycle through days
			while($i <= 31){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<select name="sM2">
			<option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option>
			<option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option>
			<option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option>
			<option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option>
			<option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option>
			<option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option>
			<option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option>
			<option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option>
			<option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option>
			<option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option>
			<option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option>
			<option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option>
		<select name="sY2">
			// Cycle through years
			while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<br />Day 3: 
		<select name="sD3">
			// Cycle through days
			while($i <= 31){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";
		<select name="sM3">
			<option value="1" <? if(date("n")==1){ echo "selected";}?>>January</option>
			<option value="2" <? if(date("n")==2){ echo "selected";}?>>February</option>
			<option value="3" <? if(date("n")==3){ echo "selected";}?>>March</option>
			<option value="4" <? if(date("n")==4){ echo "selected";}?>>April</option>
			<option value="5" <? if(date("n")==5){ echo "selected";}?>>May</option>
			<option value="6" <? if(date("n")==6){ echo "selected";}?>>June</option>
			<option value="7" <? if(date("n")==7){ echo "selected";}?>>July</option>
			<option value="8" <? if(date("n")=={ echo "selected";}?>>August</option>
			<option value="9" <? if(date("n")==9){ echo "selected";}?>>September</option>
			<option value="10" <? if(date("n")==10){ echo "selected";}?>>October</option>
			<option value="11" <? if(date("n")==11){ echo "selected";}?>>November</option>
			<option value="12" <? if(date("n")==12){ echo "selected";}?>>December</option>
		<select name="sY3">
			// Cycle through years
			while($i <= (date( "Y" )+20)){
				echo "<option value='$i' $sel>$i</option>";


					10:00 - 11:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="10:00 - 11:00" /><br />
					11:00 - 12:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="11:00 - 12:00" /><br />
					12:00 - 13:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="12:00 - 13:00" /><br />
					13:00 - 14:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="13:00 - 14:00" /><br />
					14:00 - 15:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="14:00 - 15:00" /><br />
					15:00 - 16:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="15:00 - 16:00" /><br />
					16:00 - 17:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="16:00 - 17:00" /><br />
					17:00 - 18:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="17:00 - 18:00" /><br />
					18:00 - 19:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="18:00 - 19:00" /><br />
					19:00 - 20:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="19:00 - 20:00" /><br />
					20:00 - 21:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="20:00 - 21:00" /><br />
					21:00 - 22:00 <input type="checkbox" name="time[]" value="21:00 - 22:00" />

	<td> </td>
	<td><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td>

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It seems when I do fill the checkboxes in, I get this error:


Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/sfengine/public_html/admin/includes/header.inc.php on line 27

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/sfengine/public_html/admin/includes/header.inc.php:27) in /home/sfengine/public_html/admin/includes/header.inc.php on line 35


But when I don't fill them in, it works without any errors.


Why would a checkbox POST cause this?

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Problem found but no soloution....


This code is in the header:


	foreach ($_POST as $key => $el) {
	$_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($el);


Cleans the POSTs but how do I bypass it for the checkboxes and not make other forms on other pages insecure?

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   foreach ($_POST as $key => $el) {
      $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($el);


   foreach ($_POST as $key => $el) {
      $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($el);

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Because when you dont select any checkboxes, $_POST['time'] wont exist. However when you do select a checkbox it will.


mysql_real_escape_string should only be used for strings. $_POST['time'] will be an array and this is why you get an error.

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