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[SOLVED] MYSQL & PHP - Not sure which side is the problem


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I am trying to extract some data from a MYSQL table to build it into an array. Below is the code i wrote to do this (rather C++ based):

PHP Code:

GetData($serverid, $medalhistorydateyear, $medalhistorydatemonth) {
    // search through the list of medals in stats_consolidated and make a new entry for each medal.
    // make medal name list    
    $wherequery = " WHERE NAME LIKE 'medal_%' AND SERVERID = '-1'";
    $result = DB_Query("SELECT NAME FROM " . stats_consolidated . $wherequery);
    $medalname_list = DB_GetAllRows($result, true);
    $medal_count = DB_GetRowCount("SELECT NAME FROM " . stats_consolidated . $wherequery);

    // make server id list
    $wherequery = " WHERE NAME = '" . $medalname_list[0][NAME] . "'";
    $result = DB_Query("SELECT SERVERID FROM " . stats_consolidated . $wherequery);
    $serverid_list = DB_GetAllRows($result, true);
    $server_count = DB_GetRowCount("SELECT SERVERID FROM " . stats_consolidated . $wherequery);

    // make an entry for each server for each medal on the medalname_list
    $medal_data_count = 0;
    for($i=0;$i<$medal_count;$i++) {
        for($j=0;$j<$server_count;$j++) {
            $tempmedalname = $medalname_list[$i][NAME];
            $tempserverid = $serverid_list[$j][sERVERID];
            $wherequery = " WHERE NAME = '" . $tempmedalname . "' AND SERVERID = '" . $tempserverid . "'";
            $result = DB_Query("SELECT NAME, SERVERID, SortID, DisplayName, DescriptionID, VALUE_INT, VALUE_TXT, PLAYER_ID FROM " . stats_consolidated . $wherequery);
            $medal_data_temp = DB_GetAllRows($result, true);
            $medal_data[$medal_data_count] = $medal_data_temp[0];

    for($k=0;$k<$medal_data_count;$k++) {
        PrintHTMLDebugInfo( DEBUG_DEBUG, "test", "test data: '" . $medal_data[$k][NAME] . "' : '" . $medal_data[$k][sERVERID] . "' : '" . $medal_data[$k][sortID] . "' : '" . $medal_data[$k][DisplayName] . "' : '" . $medal_data[$k][DescriptionID] . "' : '" . $medal_data[$k][VALUE_INT] . "' : '" . $medal_data[$k][VALUE_TXT] . "' : '" . $medal_data[$k][PLAYER_ID] . "'");


The called functions that related to the database calls are below (these where not made by me):

PHP Code:

function DB_Query($query_string, $bProcessError = true, $bCritical = false)
    global $link_id, $querycount;

    $query_id = mysql_query($query_string,$link_id);
    if (!$query_id && $bProcessError)
        DB_PrintError("Invalid SQL: ".$query_string, $bCritical);

    // For the Stats 
    return $query_id;

function DB_GetAllRows($query_id, $bClose)
    if ($query_id != false && $query_id != 1 )
        while ($row  =  mysql_fetch_array($query_id,  MYSQL_ASSOC))
            $var[]  =  $row;
        if ( $bClose )
            DB_FreeQuery ($query_id);

        if ( isset($var) )
            // Return array
            return $var;

function DB_FreeQuery($query_id)
    if ($query_id != false && $query_id != 1 )

function DB_GetRowCount($query)
    // Init num rows
    $num_rows = -1;

    if ($result = mysql_query($query))
        $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
        mysql_free_result ($result);
    return $num_rows;


The table is shown below (again not made by me, im confused why there are so many primary keys, unless they are being combined to form one big primary key?):


-- Table structure for table `stats_consolidated`



CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `stats_consolidated` (

`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`NAME` varchar(63) NOT NULL default '',

`SERVERID` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',

`Time_Year` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0',

`Time_Month` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',

`SortID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`DisplayName` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

`DescriptionID` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0',

`VALUE_INT` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`VALUE_TXT` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

`PLAYER_ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`ID`,`NAME`,`SERVERID`,`Time_Year`,`Time_Month`)

) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Table to hold total values and medals' AUTO_INCREMENT=204 ;



-- Dumping data for table `stats_consolidated`



INSERT INTO `stats_consolidated` (`ID`, `NAME`, `SERVERID`, `Time_Year`, `Time_Month`, `SortID`, `DisplayName`, `DescriptionID`, `VALUE_INT`, `VALUE_TXT`, `PLAYER_ID`) VALUES

(169, 'medal_pro_pistol', -1, 0, 0, 5, 'Pistol', 'medal_pro_pistol', 12, 'Kills', 1272946142),

(168, 'medal_pro_sniper', -1, 0, 0, 4, 'Sniper', 'medal_pro_sniper', 16, 'Kills', 1272946142),

(167, 'medal_pro_knifekills', -1, 0, 0, 3, 'Knife Kills', 'medal_pro_knifekills', 7, 'Kills', 2791352847),

(166, 'medal_pro_explosivekiller', -1, 0, 0, 2, 'Explosive Killer', 'medal_pro_explosivekiller', 9, 'Kills', 1092673307),

(196, 'medal_anti_whiner', 1, 0, 0, 4, 'Whiner', 'medal_anti_whiner', 2, 'Whining chats', 503140616),

(195, 'medal_anti_nademagnet', 1, 0, 0, 3, 'Nade Magnet', 'medal_anti_nademagnet', 8, 'Deaths', 1234669041),

(165, 'medal_pro_headshot', -1, 0, 0, 1, 'Headshot', 'medal_pro_headshot', 14, 'Kills', 1234669041),

(164, 'medal_pro_killer', -1, 0, 0, 0, 'Killer', 'medal_pro_killer', 89, 'Kills', 1234669041),


It returns all fields bar the PLAYER_ID field which just returns blank, but i dont know why. If i run the same query directly into the SQL box on PHP MyAdmin then it does return the PLAYER_ID field, so is something about the functions i've used or some other setting i guess


test data: 'medal_pro_explosivekiller' : '-1' : '2' : 'Explosive Killer' : 'medal_pro_explosivekiller' : '9' : 'Kills' : ''

test data: 'medal_pro_explosivekiller' : '1' : '2' : 'Explosive Killer' : 'medal_pro_explosivekiller' : '9' : 'Kills' : ''

test data: 'medal_pro_knifekills' : '-1' : '3' : 'Knife Kills' : 'medal_pro_knifekills' : '7' : 'Kills' : ''

test data: 'medal_pro_knifekills' : '1' : '3' : 'Knife Kills' : 'medal_pro_knifekills' : '7' : 'Kills' : ''

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the bottum bit:


It returns all fields bar the PLAYER_ID field which just returns blank, but i dont know why. If i run the same query directly into the SQL box on PHP MyAdmin then it does return the PLAYER_ID field, so is something about the functions i've used or some other setting i guess.

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