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test site stored and personal member site


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Hi, guys,


I need your help. I am a complete newbie but need to do the following...


I need to develop a personla membersite, so when a member logs in, it has a personal greeting, and everything. I managed to do the login page already, but upto now after the login the page would look for everyone the same.

Problem: How can I customize it, e.g. by a personal greeting.


In this member area has to be psychological test, which consists of three pages. After the user has done the test. His test results should be shown on the entry page, after he logs in.

Problem: When the user has now finished the first page and goes to the next one, how can I save the data already, that is does not get lost?

The following is probably a complete questions for beginners: How can I store the data of the test for each user (there will be quite a hundred thousands) so it is saved in hios row and not in someone elses...

Thanks so much in advance for your help. I am LOST at the moment!

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You would select the members data from the database in order to display a personal greeting.

You need a good database design to store the test input. Use the member id as the foreign key against the test result so you can join the member to the test data.

To keep the data persistent through the pages of the test use sessions. You should already be using a session to check that the member is correctly logged in.

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