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group by & order by


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Hey there,


I'm trying to whip up some forums, only basic and secure. Here are my involved tables:





threadid is the primary key, auto_inc.





postid is the primary key, auto_inc.

threadid is the foreign key linking to a specific thread.


What I am trying to do, is print the each thread, listing its number of replies (count(postid)), last poster details (ORDER BY forumpost.postdate DESC)


The SQL I has was:

FROM forumpost p
LEFT JOIN forumthread t ON p.threadid = t.threadid
GROUP BY p.threadid
ORDER BY p.postdate DESC


The problem is: the query selects the correct number of rows, however, it does not return the correct data for the last poster.


I'm really in need of some help, if you need any more info just let me know.



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sorry, I missed out the where clause!


should be:


WHERE t.forumid = $forumid


I'm getting all threads/posts that are in a certain forum (e.g. $forumid = 2).


There is what i'd like to do:

Step 1: Get all threads from forumthread (there is no postdate here, so I cant order by postdate to get them in the correct order

Step 2: Join forumpost on forumthread.threadid = forumpost.threadid, then order all of the data on forumpost.postdate so that the thread with the latest post is at the top, then in order of last postdate (DESC)


That should make it more clear, thank you for your reply!

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I have 3 rows in forumthread - therefore I've made three posts.

I have 7 rows in forumpost - therefore I have made 4 replies (7-3).


Nope, that's not working - I changed some parts of the query but it still returns 1 row, and it does not order it correctly.


What I was trying to do was to group by threadid then order that group on postdate DESC.

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Thanks for your reply.


I've done that, and it does work/order correctly, however, it's listing every post. I only need it to list each thread, so there should be three results with the latest post selected from forumpost.

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That doesn't order, you must have missed ORDER BY - also, it still lists all 7 of the posts, not just the three i'm looking for. I'm sure there should be a group by somewhere.. Hmm - this is really annoying me.

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