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This is something i have been working on and coming back too. I have a short attention span:P. I'ts not finished but im pretty happy with it. So i'd like to get your opinions and suggestions on some things.


I'm sure a top of the code dosen't validate and is probably full of horrible programming, but ive got it working and looking okish.


One thing i will say is on big projects i don't know how you guys can be bothered. I mean this is fairly small, but if i want to change one thing, i have to edit a ton of sql and php on alot of pages. This is something i really need to work on i.e setting out a project.


Also i find that i can't give websites that busy look that all profesional websites have, mine just looks minimalist and unintresting imo, but im not sure whats missing if you get my drift.


Anyway here is the site. Hopefully its not too riddled with holes.




btw - i understand that having your main page as a latest article isnt ideal so ive started to work on another main page which can be seen here






Why do the 'main layout' in divs and then resort to nasty old tables for the layout of the article itself?

So close.. yet so far away. Do go the extra mile here, seems like you know how to do it.. but didn't.


I suggest making that "Film Review The Strangers"  title bit a <h1>

Use <p>'s for the content instead of simply sticking in <br>'s to seperate lines.


What's http://mccanns.mushy365.com/index.php for? Where'd the rest of the page go? Why do I end up back on the mainpage after pressing back twice no matter how many times I pressed "new headline"?


http://www.legends365.com/writers.php?id=2 again, where'd the rest of the page go? How do I navigate from here to the rest of the site.



Hey Thanks for the reply.


I used a table because i was told that you use divs to set the layout and tables to structure data. I assmed that the Article was data that needed structured. So i just used a table.


The Site has a CMS and when you log in you can post an article or more depending on weather or not you are an admin. When writing the article you you can use bb code and this gets converted as do spaces into html by the function, which is why there is <br> in place. (i dont know another way of doing it)


the headline generator was something i made a while ago and never had anywhere to put it so i just stuck it up.


That last page is right, it dosen't have an obvious link back, i was just using the footer. Its a simple fix but i was thinking its better to get all the core php stuff right first and worry about the small details later.


Thanks though for replying.

Tables are for, suprise.. tabular data :)

Although a table is structured data it's not the only way to structure data and thus not all structured data is tabular data.


Take a look for example at a definition list: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_dt.asp

Not to mention you already did put your navigation links in an unordered list (ul), which is also a way to organize data. (thumbs up for that)



If you're the one that implemented the article 'editor', you may want to take a look at for example tinymce or some editor that does a better job at using paragraphs.

I did it a while ago, but thinking back


i found some function called nl2br and used that new line to break i think. The function that swaps the bbcode tags is different.


Im not trying to be funny, im genuinely intrested here, but what is the problem with doing it using breaks and a table anyway. If it works ok, isnt it irrelveant or is there something else that has to be taken into consideration?

It works okay when using a normal visual browser, it (most likely) does not for a screenreader. Search engines can't visually look at your site either, they need the containing tag to make sense of its contents. So if you want your site accessible it's important to use the proper tags.


By your logic you could just construct the entire page using <div> styling them to look like whatever you want. There is a reason why there is so many html tags however, it's to describe its contents.


Take a look at http://everything2.com/node/1710436 for further info, I'd link you something better if I could find it.. but my google skills are failing me today.

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