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406 - Not Acceptable


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Ok...this is weird.

I was checking for sql injection on my site (in Firefox), http://www.jackpf.co.uk, so I typed in "1 or 1=1" in my login form. I was prompted with a 406 - Not acceptable error, and now I cannot view my site in Firefox.


I tried it in Opera, and now I cannot view my site in Opera. I just keep getting that error. I honestly do not understand.


I don't think there's anything wrong with my code, as it works fine on my local box; it's just on my host's server that this madness occurs. I've even tried deleting all files on my server, but this error still occurs. So yeah, it can't be my code - it must be something to do with apache.


It's mind boggeling. Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening?


Thanks in advance, Jack.

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I don't know much about SQL injection. If that text you entered was something security related, then the server might have blocked your IP address. (Oh, this would not be the case since you were able to access your site in other browser.)

Where exactly you typed that text, in Alias or Password? I didn't get any 406 error.

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