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Unable to view Wordpress within home Network


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I operate my webserver from home with a true static IP and a 10 port switch. I use Ubuntu 8.04. My problem is that I cannot view my Wordpress pages within the network. I have 4 other boxes on my network (XP, 2-Vista, and Kubuntu) which cannot view my website. I should restate that last part, when I type in my domain or internal IP (i.e. 10.1.10.XXX) all that I get is my <title> and sometimes my content if I let it sit and spin for a while., without CSS.


Now, I can see most other CMS's within my network to include Dotclear, hand coded php pages, my Glype Proxy server, and jinzora on my 10.1.10.XXX internal address.


Can anyone shed some light on this issue?

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I can use the domain name, internal ip, Linux hostname, or static ip to try and reach my pages. No dice. I have quite a few other apps and CMS's running on my server to include a Glype proxy, a couple of custom apps that I am coding, LoveCMS, Dotclear, and a guestbook called Jibberbook. Whew!


I have attempted to use WP with an empty server directory. Makes no difference.

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