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Can't install to 2nd hard drive -- help pls!


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Hi there,

I've been learning linux (set up a machine just for this) my machine contains 2HDs

both 40gb on the fist disk I have a 50/50 split dual boot ubuntu/xp which is working fine.


On my second disk I am trying to install backtrack 3 final and here's where the probs started I posted the thread below on the support forum , the thread should outline the prob though:


    [quote}Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to install BT3 and I'm having some probs. I should say 1st off I know my way around Linux but there are some areas where I'm not up to speed yet. I am trying to install BT3 on a second Hard Drive on a spare machine.


    I've been looking at a tutorial on this forum which on the face of it looks quite good. I set up the HD partitions using fdisk the p command now returns:



    Device      Boot    Start    End       Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/hdb1 *              1  1217    9775521   83  Linux
    /dev/hdb2            1218  1591    3004155   82  Linux swap
    /dev/hdb3            1592  4753  25398765   83  Linux

    To the best of my semi-noob knowledge this should work, feel free to tell me if not.


    My next step was:


    mkdir /mnt/backtrack

    Appeared to work ok but next came the prob:



    mount /dev/hdb3 /mnt/backtrack/




    mount: No such file or directory

    I have CD'd and got to the point where I can view the /mnt/backtrack/ directory using ls so i don't understand the problem.


    Can anyone give advice?


    Many Thx


This is being done from the BT OS running as a live cd I also cannot access the 2nd HD (hdb) from ubuntu for eg:

root> fdisk /dev/hdb



Unable to open /dev/hdb

so no linux OS seems to get access to it.In XP the disk manager can see the partitions exist although obviously does not recognize the format. The etc/fstab file doesn't list them at all in UBUNTU. I was thinking this is a permissions issue, but even root doesn't get access. The only other thing I can add is that the HD does show up on ubuntu's desktop with the name "new volume". This is probably a noob post with an obvious answer but I feel like I've been banging my head against a wall since yesterday. Any advice would be brilliant (got no feed back from the support forum).


Many thx

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