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Error in function structure, blank page result ?


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Good day to you all,

              here I'm trying to add to a listing directory code, another piece of code  that send the list result to an html page.


It's seems like the "sending to the other page code never get executed ?


I always have this function proble can somebody so me my mistake !



Here is my code :



ini_set("display_errors", "on");


$directory = "Art/";

function dirList ($directory)

    //create 2 arrays - one for folders and one for files
   $folders = array();
   $files = array();

    // create a handler for the directory
    $handler = opendir($directory);

    // keep going until all files in directory have been read
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handler))) {  

        // if $file isn't this directory or its parent,
        // add it to the results array
        if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')
        // If file is directory, mark it in bold.

       if(is_dir($directory.$file)) {

	    if (time() - filemtime($directory.$file) < 604800) {
    $folder_modified[] = "<span style=\"color:#DB1212;\"><li><div class=\"folder\"><img src=\"plus_icon.gif\"  onclick=\"Toggle('".preg_replace('/\//','_',$directory."".$file)."'); return false;\" /><b>".$file."</b></div>";
} elseif (time() - filemtime($directory.$file) < 31556926) {
    $folder_modified[] = "<span style=\"color:#003366;\"><li><div class=\"folder\"><img src=\"plus_icon.gif\"  onclick=\"Toggle('".preg_replace('/\//','_',$directory."".$file)."'); return false;\" /><b>".$file."</b></div>";
} else {$folder_modified[] = "<span style=\"color:#000000;\"><li><div class=\"folder\"><img src=\"plus_icon.gif\"  onclick=\"Toggle('".preg_replace('/\//','_',$directory."".$file)."'); return false;\" /><b>".$file."</b></div>";}

        // Else not styled
     $filenamecor = substr($file, 0, -4);
    if (time() - filemtime($directory.$file) < 604800) {
    $file_modified[] = '<span style="color:#DB1212;">'.$filenamecor.'<span>';
} elseif (time() - filemtime($directory.$file) < 31556926) {
    $file_modified[] = '<span style="color:#003366;">'.$filenamecor.'<span>';
} else {$file_modified[] = '<span style="color:#000000;">'.$filenamecor.'<span>';}


$output = "";

    $output .= "<ul id=\"".preg_replace('/\//','_',substr($directory,0,strlen($directory)-1))."\">\n"; //start a new unordered list for every iteration through dirList

$dircor = $directory;
    // tidy up: close the handler
    foreach($folders as $folder=>$file) {

      $output .= "<li><div class=\"folder\">".$folder_modified[$folder]."</div>"; //echo the folder name enclosed in a list item
        dirList($directory.$file.'/'); //loop through the contents of $folder
      $output .= "</li>\n"; //close this list item after all files and folders in $folder have been looped through

    foreach($files as $key=>$file) {

      $output .= "<li><a href=\"index.html\" onclick=\"load('image_view.php?dir=".$dircor."&file=".$file."','boxdisp');return false;\"> ".$file_modified[$key]."</a></li>\n"; //echo the file name enclosed in a list item

    $output .= "</ul>\n"; //close the unordered list

	 return $output;

$filename = 'menu.html';
// Let's make sure the file exists and is writable first.
if (is_writable($filename)) {

    // In our example we're opening $filename in append mode.
    // The file pointer is at the bottom of the file hence
    // that's where $somecontent will go when we fwrite() it.
    if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) {
         echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";

    // Write $somecontent to our opened file.
    if (fwrite($handle,$output) === FALSE) {
        echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";

    echo "Success, wrote () to file (".$filename.")";


} else {
    echo "The file ".$filename." is not writable";


dirList ($directory);



the result of this is a blank page.



Thanks !

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I haven't really got a huge idea what's going on, but I;ve goine through it and touched it up a little, and fixed a couple of mistakes.... Try running this and see what you get.


ini_set("display_errors", "on");
$directory = "Art/";

function dirList($directory) {
//create 2 arrays - one for folders and one for files
$folders = array();
$files = array();

// create a handler for the directory
$handler = opendir($directory);

// keep going until all files in directory have been read
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handler))) {  

	// if $file isn't this directory or its parent,
	// add it to the results array
	if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {}

	// If file is directory, mark it in bold.
	if(is_dir($directory.$file)) {
		if (time() - filemtime($directory.$file) < 604800) {
			$folder_modified[] = "<span style=\"color:#DB1212;\"><li><div class=\"folder\"><img src=\"plus_icon.gif\"  onclick=\"Toggle('".preg_replace('/\//','_',$directory."".$file)."'); return false;\" /><b>".$file."</b></div>";
		} elseif (time() - filemtime($directory.$file) < 31556926) {
			$folder_modified[] = "<span style=\"color:#003366;\"><li><div class=\"folder\"><img src=\"plus_icon.gif\"  onclick=\"Toggle('".preg_replace('/\//','_',$directory."".$file)."'); return false;\" /><b>".$file."</b></div>";
		} else {
			$folder_modified[] = "<span style=\"color:#000000;\"><li><div class=\"folder\"><img src=\"plus_icon.gif\"  onclick=\"Toggle('".preg_replace('/\//','_',$directory."".$file)."'); return false;\" /><b>".$file."</b></div>";
	// Else not styled
	} else {
		$filenamecor = substr($file, 0, -4);
		if (time() - filemtime($directory.$file) < 604800) {
			$file_modified[] = '<span style="color:#DB1212;">'.$filenamecor.'<span>';
		} elseif (time() - filemtime($directory.$file) < 31556926) {
			$file_modified[] = '<span style="color:#003366;">'.$filenamecor.'<span>';
		} else {
			$file_modified[] = '<span style="color:#000000;">'.$filenamecor.'<span>';
$output = "";
$output .= "<ul id=\"".preg_replace('/\//','_',substr($directory,0,strlen($directory)-1))."\">\n"; //start a new unordered list for every iteration through dirList
$dircor = $directory;
// tidy up: close the handler
foreach($folders as $folder=>$file) {
	$output .= "<li><div class=\"folder\">".$folder_modified[$folder]."</div>"; //echo the folder name enclosed in a list item
	dirList($directory.$file.'/'); //loop through the contents of $folder
	$output .= "</li>\n"; //close this list item after all files and folders in $folder have been looped through

foreach($files as $key=>$file) {
	$output .= "<li><a href=\"index.html\" onclick=\"load('image_view.php?dir=".$dircor."&file=".$file."','boxdisp');return false;\"> ".$file_modified[$key]."</a></li>\n"; //echo the file name enclosed in a list item
$output .= "</ul>\n"; //close the unordered list

$filename = 'menu.html';
// Let's make sure the file exists and is writable first.
if(is_writable($filename)) {
	// In our example we're opening $filename in append mode.
	// The file pointer is at the bottom of the file hence
	// that's where $somecontent will go when we fwrite() it.
	if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) {
		echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";
	// Write $somecontent to our opened file.
	if (fwrite($handle,$output) === FALSE) {
		echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";
	echo "Success, wrote () to file ($filename)";
} else {
	echo "The file ".$filename." is not writable";
return $output;
echo dirList ($directory);



Also, try and keep your code neater if you want people to help you

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