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I'm trying to send a email to multiple addresses using Bcc. Ok...seems simple, but the truth is that i'm not getting it to work :(


Here's my code:

$mails[1] = "test1@teste.com";
$mails[2] = "test2@teste.com";
$mails[3] = "test3@teste.com";
$mails[4] = "test4@teste.com";

$bcc = implode(",", $mails);

$to      = 'blabla@bla.com';
$subject = 'Email test';
$message = 'Welcome!';

$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

$headers .= 'From: Test Site <test@test.com>' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Bcc: $bcc' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

if( mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) )
echo "oh eya!";
echo "oh damm!";


I have a simple function to check which emails were submitted by the user and store them in a array. This way there won't be any empty emails.



Can anyone tell me why this isn't working?


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It gives me the "oh damm!" warning. In other words the mail() function didn't send the email :S

Anyway i checked to see if the emails were send, but neither the to: email or the bcc: emails where delivered


tried this too, and didn't work :S

$to      = 'blabla@bla.com,another@who_ever.com';

$to      = 'blabla@bla.com, another@who_ever.com';



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Either your web host has disabled the mail() function (can you send an email at all using just a To: address) or your web host has configured the mail server to hide errors so that mail server information is not exposed by people deliberately probing the mail server. In either case you probably need to contact your host to find out the requirements for what you are attempting.

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Your web host has probably disabled the use of Bcc:. Why don't you contact then to find out one way or the other. They may have a limit on the total number of destination addresses in a single call to the mail function. Find out, ask them what the requirements or restrictions are.

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I've contacted my hosting administrator and i've found out that they disabled Cc and Bcc headers in php mail() with Suhosin :(


Now lets i'm waiting to see if they are going to enable that option so that i can use Bcc in my project.


Just one question...if they don't enable that feature, is were any other way to send emails to multiple addresses without the other users seeing the emails?

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Just use the phpmailer class to interface directly with your sending mail server. The phpmailer can be configured to use sendmail (on UNIX/LINUX servers), mail(), or SMTP to interface with the mail server. Just use either the sendmail or SMTP options.

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found a tutorial on how to work with PHPMailer :D


But even so i'm now getting the Bcc to work... :@


Here's my code:


$mail = new PHPMailer();

$mail->Host = "localhost";
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = "blabla"; // SMTP username
$mail->Password = "blabla"; // SMTP password

$mail->From = "from@hotmail.com";
$mail->FromName = "fromName";
//$mail->AddReplyTo("from@hotmail.com", "from");
$mail->AddBCC("$bcc"); //bcc has the list of addresses

$mail->Subject = "Online";
$mail->Body = "bla bla bla bla bla...";
$mail->WordWrap = 50;

   echo "Message was not sent";
   echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
  echo "mail sent!";


What i'm i doing wrong now?

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I found the problem...


I has trying to fill the Bcc field like this:

$mail->AddBCC("email1@hotmail.com, email2@hotmail.com, email3@hotmail.com");


and it seems that's not correct :s

if i have to send the email to multiple addresses using Bcc, i have to do this:



i've managed to send the email to some teste addresses and it worked this way...but now i have a big problem, i wanted to fill the Bcc field with email addresses dynamically, just like i was doing in the first post using mail() :(

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If you have a pretty large amount of emails in an array like in your original code, you could use:


$mails[1] = "test1@teste.com";
$mails[2] = "test2@teste.com";
$mails[3] = "test3@teste.com";
$mails[4] = "test4@teste.com";

foreach ($mails as $email)

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