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[SOLVED] Organize By Type Only if Type Specified


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The old forum post solved my problem entirely, but it just introduced another one.

Rather than having a 3 page post with a new problem, I decided to start over here.




I have the code:

$sSql = $vehicles->SelectSQL();


I edited that function to include:

// Table level SQL

function SqlSelect() { // Select
return "SELECT * FROM `vehicles`";


function SqlWhere() { // Where Type
return "type= '". mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']) . "'";              //Used to say just return "";


function SqlGroupBy() { // Group By
return "";

function SqlHaving() { // Having
return "";

function SqlOrderBy() { // Order By
return "";



Now I have a working sort on all of my pages that have a specified type (in example: http://www.example.com/inventory.php?type=car )


The problem is that if I have no type, then it lists no vehicles.

How can I use an if/then statement or the empty() to make it not display a type if there is no type listed?


Thanks again everyone!

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How can I use an if/then statement or the empty() to make it not display a type if there is no type listed?


Pretty much as you describe there. The logic is: if the variable is not empty, search using the variable. If it's not, dont add a where clause.

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How can I use an if/then statement or the empty() to make it not display a type if there is no type listed?


Pretty much as you describe there. The logic is: if the variable is not empty, search using the variable. If it's not, dont add a where clause.


The closest I can come is:

function SqlWhere() { // Where Type	

return (!empty($_GET['type'])) ? "type = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']) . "' : "";


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What gamerzfuse means, is, below...

function SqlWhere() { // Where Type
  return (!empty($_GET['type'])) ? "type = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']) . "'" : "";
//return (!empty($_GET['type'])) ? "type = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']) . "' : "";

Look closely, you weren't closing out your final single quote after the mysql_real_escape_string().

I've left yours in as commented out so you can see what you missed.

Hope that helps.

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What gamerzfuse means, is, below...

function SqlWhere() { // Where Type
  return (!empty($_GET['type'])) ? "type = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']) . "'" : "";
//return (!empty($_GET['type'])) ? "type = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']) . "' : "";

Look closely, you weren't closing out your final single quote after the mysql_real_escape_string().

I've left yours in as commented out so you can see what you missed.

Hope that helps.


I used that and now I get an unexpected T_Var?

Thanks though, if you could just advise me on this one last thing.. I'll be done with this site almost.


Noob mistake. Left in an extra }

Works great.

Hopefully this fixes all my problems!

Thanks for the tolerance Ken ;)

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