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In the UK? I need help to find a PHP Linux webhost.


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I've tried hosting forums in the UK with no success, now I'm trying dev forums.


I hope there are some people from UK here. If charter prohibits specifics/recommendations please PM me.


I need a host that I can start small and grow with. To start with I will have only one site (my own, which will be a small design/dev/SEO site) but I will be adding 5 or 6 more within 12 months, which will be far bigger, community-based sites. A dedicated server from the outset woudl be a waste of money.


I'm not looking for cheapest - I'm prepared to pay extra for reliability and good support.


Would a VPS be better than 5 or 6 shared solutions to start with?


I need

- Linux, PHP MySql / htaccess

- UK DCs

- subdomains (with separate dbs e.g. free tools on my site)

- my programmer would prefer to be able to use Putty

- good support, managed server (i.e. latest patches etc)

- security certificate (at least as an optional extra for plugging in payment gateways)

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