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Database overload


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I really need your help and hope you can help me  :)

I have a VPS and a IPB forum... in last days (one month) my database has some problems but I can't find them. In critical hours and when there are many users, it becomes overloaded very often.

But before, even with many members it was ok. I don't know if there is any mod that causes the overload. I have checked, repared and optimized tables but the issue continues.

Here it is the server admin mail:

I have checked your vps and found that the mysql service on your vps is causing high load and this in turn is seriously affecting performance of main server in which your vps is hosted. The load on your vps was very high due to mysql processes taking great amount of cpu time. I have restarted mysql service on your vps and the load on both your vps and our main server was reduced for some time. But now mysql has again started taking load and affecting main server as well. Here is the result obtained from your vps.



root@server [/]# uptime

14:24:56 up 72 days, 14:11,  0 users,  load average: 23.58, 22.66, 33.39


root@server [/]# top -c

top - 14:25:29 up 72 days, 14:11,  0 users,  load average: 15.22, 20.67, 32.33

Tasks: 167 total,  10 running, 156 sleeping,  0 stopped,  1 zombie

Cpu(s): 73.9%us, 13.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 12.8%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st

Mem:  2097152k total,  792224k used,  1304928k free,        0k buffers

Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,        0k cached



10060 mysql    15  0 97504  48m 3692 S  132  2.4  2:28.99 /usr/sbin/mysqld --

3770 nobody    15  0 21560  10m 2764 S  10  0.5  0:03.41 /usr/local/apache/b

3373 nobody    16  0 28896  17m 2784 R    9  0.9  0:05.68 /usr/local/apache/b

10139 nobody    15  0 22700  11m 2760 S    9  0.6  0:00.62 /usr/local/apache/b

5683 nobody    16  0 22108  11m 2768 S    7  0.5  0:03.30 /usr/local/apache/b

11686 nobody    15  0 21560  10m 2760 S    7  0.5  0:01.07 /usr/local/apache/b


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Ok, I'm a noob in mysql conf.

Can you explain how can I do all those things please?

Cause my server is really slow...

I don't even understand how can I start mysqld with the --log-slow-queries[=file_name]  option. Is it by the WHM?  ???

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