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Pre-coding Pre-installation Help NOOB

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Alright I have almost 0 knowledge of MySQL. I have never worked with databases and I am at the beggining of my 1000 page "PHP and MySQL Web Development" book.


My goal is to help a friend with a vision. I am not a complete noob when it comes to computers and have always wanted to dig past html so I decided to take on the challenge. We are developing a site and before we commit to a host I need to know exactly what our plans will require.


Now I understand that I could just keep digging through my book finding answers but it's not that simple. We want to get started ASAP and obviously update like any individual.


Question #1


What's a good guess on how many databases I will need? Very noob question.

The web site will consist of appearances by sports figures around the world, (events, signings, and so on) Basically it would be who it is, where they are going to be, when, and cost. From my understanding that could be 1 database but I don't know so that is why I ask.


It will also have users obviously with forums and a shopping cart for items we sell. I am guessing all the items can go into a database, and I don't know how the users and forums would work. We obviously want paid subscriptions and skimming through my book it looked like a sample business would split the users into one database with all their information and the shopping cart into another with all that information. 


I don't know if I am answering my own questions or not so please as noob as it sounds.

Forums/Users/Shopping cart/events would consist of how many databases, a range if there is no real answer.


Question #2

What is a good hosting service that will give me freedom with MySQL and PHP, my friend already bought a domain name from godaddy and then I started checking out the hosting service for it, I don't know if I am to thrilled about it. What do you guys think? I need something cheap to start off and obviously we can upgrade as need be.


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You'll really only need one database. As for the host, I'd be inclined to recommend buying a VPS, but considering you're new to this stuff, you probably don't know how to administrate a server yourself either. There is a sticky topic in the misc. forum with a lot of web host suggestions.

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Question #1:

Yup As Deniel0 said, you really only need 1 database, which can then hold as many tables as you need.


Question #2:

Most hosting out there will provide what you will need. So IMO look for  host which provide most space, and appears most reliable....

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