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dual boot problem with fedora live CD and XP


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Dear sirs


Could anyone please help me please, as i am in big problem. My problem is like this. Though this may not be the appropriate place to put this prob, sorry for this.


I have installed windows XP in my c drive. I found a Fedora 10 live CD and installed that in the same PC. The installation was complete without any problem. But after installation of fedora, I can't boot XP. I can see the two options at the boot time i.e. One for fedora which works fine and other for Xp i.e. Others. But if i try to boot to others i.e. XP, it hangs on and a black screen appears for hours but nothing happens. But I can see the XP's other partitions from fedora if i do.


# fdisk -l

# df -h


I think the MBR has been overwritten for XP. So how can I get back to my previous XP without loosing any data and also the fedora at the same time.

why this happened ? Is it possible to install any Linux distros in windows file format? I think its not possible. But how this happened because I only format the last partition but did not delete that and still fedora got installed. How this happened?


The answer for these questions will be of great importance for me sir.


thanks in advance.

with warm regards


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