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[SOLVED] while loop is not working properly


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my while loop is not working properly. its not considering my first row value. from second row value its working fine. it just strange. can anyone please have look on my code and tell me what is wrong in there.


$sqlpage    = $op->runsql("SELECT  a.username,a.avatar,r.visitor_id,r.visiting_count,TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, r.recent_visited, NOW()) AS MinsSinceLastVisit FROM recent_visitor as r ,author as a WHERE (r.visitor_id = a.id) AND r.profile_owner = '$uid' ORDER BY r.recent_visited DESC  LIMIT $start, $limit_value");
if(mysql_num_rows($sqlpage) > 0){
<p class="msgText">Total <strong><?=$total_records;?></strong><?if($total_records >1){
?> Recent Visitor's<?}else{?> Recent Visitor<?}}?></p>
                      if(mysql_num_rows($sqlpage) > 0){

       while($row1 = $op->select($sqlpage)){
       $imagearr = explode(",",$row1['avatar']);
        $imagearr[0]= preg_replace("/\/avatar\//","/small/", $imagearr[0]);

      <a href='/profile/<?=$blog->spacereplace($row1['username']);?>/' title="<?=$row1['username']?>"><img src="<?=$retpath;?>/<?=$imagearr[0];?>" width="40" height="40" alt="<?=$row1['username']?>"/></a>

            $Ymin = 60 * 24 * 365;
            $Mmin = 60 * 24 * 30;
            $Wmin = 60 * 24 * 7;
            $Dmin = 60 * 24;
            $Hmin = 60;

            $Y = (int)($minutes_dif / $Ymin);
            $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif &#37; $Ymin;

            $MON = (int)($minutes_dif / $Mmin);
            $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Mmin;

            $W = (int)($minutes_dif / $Wmin);
            $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Wmin;

            $D = (int)($minutes_dif / $Dmin);
            $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Dmin;

            $H = (int)($minutes_dif / $Hmin);
            $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Hmin;

            if($Y > 0 ){
                  echo "$Y year(s) ";

                  }else if($MON > 0){
                  echo "$MON month(s) ";
                  else if($W > 0){
                  echo "$W week(s) ";
                  else if($D > 0){
                  echo "$D day(s) ";
                  else if($H > 0){

                  echo "$H hour(s) ";
                  else if($minutes_dif > 0){

                  echo "$minutes_dif minute(s) ";
      echo "ago";  ?>(<?=$row1['visiting_count']?>visits)<? echo"\t";
             $i++; }



when i echoed my query, i found that my database table is like this



visitor_id          visiting_count          MinsSinceLastVisit

12                      23                              0

15                      26                                21

11                      35                              27

10                      27                              961

For the first row my last column value(MinsSinceLastVisit)is not increasing .it means my first value is not changing only.any suggestion?



thanks in advance.

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the first row is 0, so the while should start at minus 1 if i'm not mistaken, since you're moving 1 row further with each loop. the while therefore is simply not fetching the first row and starts at the second row instead


thanks for your reply but where to put -1 ?


you mean to say here i put -1 ,

                if(mysql_num_rows($sqlpage) > 0){


i checked that. no luck. But after sometime when i checked my query in SQL again. it showing the changes. like this.


    visitor_id          visiting_count          MinsSinceLastVisit

    12                      23                              2

    15                      26                                121

    11                      35                              227

    10                      27                              461



but its not coming in my form output(i mean my first row's output is showing only ago not like 2 minute(s) ago or somthing else). please help me. i juset stucked  ???  ??? since long long time.



wait. when i refreshed my sql page it becomes 0 (last column value)  i am sorry, i am just telling here what exactly happening

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You are not extracting a value for $minutes_dif from the returned data. Quite how it gets any value I am not sure. Add $minutes_dif = $row1['MinsSinceLastVisit']; after the line while($row1 = $op->select($sqlpage)){.


All the best



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Hello Kieth,


I am very much extracting $minutes_dif from while loop only. ok i have tried whatever you said. no luck. i  would like to show my table structure here so if you could check with database as well

CREATE TABLE `recent_visitor` (

  `profile_owner` int(11) NOT NULL,

  `visitor_id` int(11) NOT NULL,

  `first_visited` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

  `recent_visited` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,

  `visiting_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',

  PRIMARY KEY  (`profile_owner`,`visitor_id`)




please help me





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$blogdata    = $blog->personaldata();

if($blogdata->author != $userid){

//echo $from;

$query              = $op->insert( "INSERT INTO recent_visitor (profile_owner, visitor_id, first_visited, recent_visited, visiting_count) VALUES
('".$blogdata->author."', '".$userid."', NOW(), NOW(), 1)
  ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `visiting_count`=`visiting_count`+1");
if($query > 0){
	 	 $err_msg_shout="Shout Posted";

	             $err_msg_shout="Error, Try Again";


//echo "SELECT  a.username,r.visitor_id FROM recent_visitor as r ,author as a WHERE (r.visitor_id = a.id) AND r.profile_owner = '$uid'  ORDER BY r.recent_visited DESC ";

$result  = $op->runsql("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM author a JOIN recent_visitor r ON a.id = r.visitor_id WHERE r.profile_owner= '$uid' ");

                          $limit_value                   = 5;
		  	         $ts                            = mysql_fetch_array($result);
		  	         $total_records                 = $ts['cnt'];
		  	         $top                           = $total_records / $limit_value;
		  	         $total_pages                   = ceil($top);
		  	         $start = $_REQUEST['start'] == "" ? 0 : $_REQUEST['start'];
		            echo $;

$sqlpage    = $op->runsql("SELECT  a.username,a.avatar,r.visitor_id,r.visiting_count,TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, r.recent_visited, NOW()) AS MinsSinceLastVisit FROM recent_visitor as r ,author as a WHERE (r.visitor_id = a.id) AND r.profile_owner = '$blogdata->author' ORDER BY r.visiting_count DESC  LIMIT $start, $limit_value");
if(mysql_num_rows($sqlpage) > 0){
<p class="msgText">Total <strong><?=$total_records;?></strong><?if($total_records >1){
?> Recent Visitor's<?}else{?> Recent Visitor<?}}?></p>
       	           if(mysql_num_rows($sqlpage) > 0){

   while($row1 = $op->select($sqlpage)){
   $minutes_dif = $row1['MinsSinceLastVisit'];

   $imagearr = explode(",",$row1['avatar']);
        $imagearr[0]= preg_replace("/\/avatar\//","/small/", $imagearr[0]);

  <a href='/profile/<?=$blog->spacereplace($row1['username']);?>/' title="<?=$row1['username']?>"><img src="<?=$retpath;?>/<?=$imagearr[0];?>" width="40" height="40" alt="<?=$row1['username']?>"/></a><?

   $minutes_dif = $row1['MinsSinceLastVisit'];
       $Ymin = 60 * 24 * 365;
       $Mmin = 60 * 24 * 30;
       $Wmin = 60 * 24 * 7;
       $Dmin = 60 * 24;
       $Hmin = 60;

       $Y = (int)($minutes_dif / $Ymin);
       $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Ymin;

       $MON = (int)($minutes_dif / $Mmin);
       $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Mmin;

       $W = (int)($minutes_dif / $Wmin);
       $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Wmin;

       $D = (int)($minutes_dif / $Dmin);
       $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Dmin;

       $H = (int)($minutes_dif / $Hmin);
       $minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Hmin;

       if($Y > 0 ) echo "$Y year(s) ";
   if($MON > 0) echo "$MON month(s) ";
   if($W > 0) echo "$W week(s) ";
   if($D > 0) echo "$D day(s) ";
   if($H > 0) echo "$H hour(s) ";
if($minutes_dif > 0) echo "$minutes_dif minute(s) ";
      echo "ago";   ?>(<?=$row1['visiting_count']?>visits)<? echo"\t";




$blogdata->author = the profile page of user

$userid  = logged in user


my table


profile_owner visitor_id         first_visited       recent_visited         visiting_count

3 22 2009-05-14 17:01:44       2009-05-14 17:09:28   5

3 7932 2009-05-14 11:39:45     2009-05-14 11:39:45     1

9 14 2009-05-12 15:31:27     2009-05-12 15:31:27     1

9 22 2009-05-14 14:55:13     2009-05-14 15:13:54     8

10 14 2009-05-12 15:31:09     2009-05-12 15:31:09     1

14 22 2009-05-14 15:13:56     2009-05-14 15:13:56     1



please ask me. please ask me  if you wont understand anything. please help me




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To be honest I don't know.


I reformatted it so I could read it more easily, but can see nothing wrong:-


$blogdata    = $blog->personaldata();
if($blogdata->author != $userid)
//echo $from;
$query              = $op->insert( "INSERT INTO recent_visitor (profile_owner, visitor_id, first_visited, recent_visited, visiting_count) VALUES
('".$blogdata->author."', '".$userid."', NOW(), NOW(), 1)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `visiting_count`=`visiting_count`+1");
if($query > 0)
	$err_msg_shout="Shout Posted";
	$err_msg_shout="Error, Try Again";
//echo "SELECT  a.username,r.visitor_id FROM recent_visitor as r ,author as a WHERE (r.visitor_id = a.id) AND r.profile_owner = '$uid'  ORDER BY r.recent_visited DESC ";
$result  = $op->runsql("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM author a JOIN recent_visitor r ON a.id = r.visitor_id WHERE r.profile_owner= '$uid' ");
$Ymin = 60 * 24 * 365;
$Mmin = 60 * 24 * 30;
$Wmin = 60 * 24 * 7;
$Dmin = 60 * 24;
$Hmin = 60;
$limit_value                   = 5;
$ts                            = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$total_records                 = $ts['cnt'];
$top                           = $total_records / $limit_value;
$total_pages                   = ceil($top);
$start = $_REQUEST['start'] == "" ? 0 : $_REQUEST['start'];
echo $;
$sqlpage = $op->runsql("SELECT  a.username,a.avatar,r.visitor_id,r.visiting_count,TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, r.recent_visited, NOW()) AS MinsSinceLastVisit FROM recent_visitor as r ,author as a WHERE (r.visitor_id = a.id) AND r.profile_owner = '$blogdata->author' ORDER BY r.visiting_count DESC  LIMIT $start, $limit_value");
if(mysql_num_rows($sqlpage) > 0)
?><p class="msgText">Total <strong><?=$total_records;?></strong><?if($total_records >1){?> Recent Visitor's<?}else{?> Recent Visitor<?}?></p><?
while($row1 = $op->select($sqlpage))
	$imagearr = explode(",",$row1['avatar']);
	$imagearr[0]= preg_replace("/\/avatar\//","/small/", $imagearr[0]);
	<a href='/profile/<?=$blog->spacereplace($row1['username']);?>/' title="<?=$row1['username']?>"><img src="<?=$retpath;?>/<?=$imagearr[0];?>" width="40" height="40" alt="<?=$row1['username']?>"/></a><?
	$minutes_dif = $row1['MinsSinceLastVisit'];
	$Y = intval($minutes_dif / $Ymin);
	$minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Ymin;
	$MON = intval($minutes_dif / $Mmin);
	$minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Mmin;
	$W = intval($minutes_dif / $Wmin);
	$minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Wmin;
	$D = intval($minutes_dif / $Dmin);
	$minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Dmin;
	$H = intval($minutes_dif / $Hmin);
	$minutes_dif = $minutes_dif % $Hmin;
	if($Y > 0 ) echo "$Y year(s) ";
	if($MON > 0) echo "$MON month(s) ";
	if($W > 0) echo "$W week(s) ";
	if($D > 0) echo "$D day(s) ";
	if($H > 0) echo "$H hour(s) ";
	if($minutes_dif > 0) echo "$minutes_dif minute(s) ";
	echo "ago";   ?>(<?=$row1['visiting_count']?>visits)<? echo"\t";



The SQL itself seems to be fine.


Only thing I can think is that for the first row the last visited time is in the future and hence returns a negative number (which the php code would then ignore).


All the best



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thanks for your reply but where to put -1 ?


you mean to say here i put -1 ,

                if(mysql_num_rows($sqlpage) > 0){


i checked that. no luck. But after sometime when i checked my query in SQL again. it showing the changes.


yes that is where i'd putting it. you were doing num row and the first row of an sql table is always numbered 0. its when you do auto-increment say for example ID's that the first row becomes 1


anyway good luck my friend. I never did a while loop before myself, I just knew the way things numbered

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kickstart, thanks a lot for being patient with me.  :)


well, we haven't think about here logically. see, i will explain, suppose A is logged in user. and he/she is visited to B's profile then A would be first recent_visited user for B's profile right. so A's time ll be never shown only. because if A again come after 5 to 10 min again on the B's profile page. then again A's recent time would be the current time only. so for anyone who is logged in and the user visited to someone else profile that time will be never shown. because it ll be their recent most time or we can say exact time which would be going on. so it ll be never shown only.


one of my senior explain me this, while i was about to leave my office. and i spent(even you tried much) whole day behind it. i am going to declare this thread as solved one. if you would you like to ask me related to this topic. you can send me message.  :)


thanks a lot! Hope you understand this. and even you get the clear idea about what i am talking here.



thanks a lot for your reply too friend  :)

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