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Which Button was Clicked?


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function handleClick(id){

          element= document.getElementById(id);

          if(!element) element= document.getElementsById(id);

          if(element) {

              if(element.name) alert('You clicked ' + element.name);

              else if(element.id)  alert('You clicked somthign that dosent have a name but id of ' + element.id);

              //etc etc etc


          else alert('could not find the element clicked');



<input type='button' id='button1' value='button1' onclick='handleClick('button1')' />

<input type='button' id='button2' value='button2' onclick='handleClick('button2')' />

<input type='button' id='button3' value='button3' onclick='handleClick('button3')' />


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well you usually put the javascript on the button like this

<input type='button' value='button1' onclick='alert(this.value + " was clicked");' />


not really sure how you can make a global function that catches any buttons click


thanks. That works when I pass the code to onClick function.

I am creating a small calculator and will put the code into a function called calc() in the head of my html. I just want a simple way to check which button was clicked and from there I can use if statements to determine what course of action to follow.


When I use the 'this.value' code in my function however, it returns 'undefined' for my button for some reason. I 'm sure this is just a simple logic problem.



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the this.value that I used in the <input ... /> line represents the value option of the element


so you can't use it in a function

if you assign an ID to the button, you can get the button value with


if you want to find it by name, you'll have to use


but this last method only works if only 1 element in the document has that name.

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the this.value that I used in the <input ... /> line represents the value option of the element


so you can't use it in a function

if you assign an ID to the button, you can get the button value with


if you want to find it by name, you'll have to use


but this last method only works if only 1 element in the document has that name.

Thanks for the help on this but I'm still kinda confused. I can now identify the button in my function but how do I assess whether it was clicked e.g.


var addition = document.getElementById("add").value;
var subtraction= document.getElementById("subtract").value;

if (addition){// perform addition}
else if (subtraction){// perform subtraction}



My problem is that the first test will be true as I am only testing the value of an element. I want to be able to check if it was 'pressed'


if (user pressed add) {//then perform addition}


I know this is probably simple stuff but i'm new to javascript.



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An easier (and better designed) way of doing it is to do the following:


1. Instead of using <input> tags, use <button> tags.  This will make it easier for us to grab a hold of all the buttons within the form.


2. Use unobtrusive JavaScript.  There's no reason to embed JavaScript function calls within your HTML.  So, let's do things the right way.


      <script type="text/javascript">
         window.onload = function()
            var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');

            for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
               buttons[i].onclick = function()
                  alert(this.value + " was clicked.");


      <!-- someplace later, within your calculator form -->

      <button type="button" value="1">1</button><button type="button" value="2">2</button><button type="button" value="3">3</button>

      <!-- etc. -->


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I think that what you need is something like this

<script type="text/javascript">
//using Nightslyr's function to assign the actions to the buttons
var calculation = "";

window.onload = function()
	var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('input');

	for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
		if(buttons[i].type == "button"){
			buttons[i].onclick = function(){
				if(this.value == "="){
					//making a full statement
					var result = 0;
					calculation = "result = " + calculation + ";";
					//this next command will execute the text statement
					//result should now contain the result of the statement
					//reset calculation for new calculation
					calculation = "";
					//adding the buttons value to the calculation string
					calculation += this.value
	calculation = "";

<input type='button' value = '0' />
<input type='button' value = '1' />
<input type='button' value = '2' />
<input type='button' value = '3' />
<input type='button' value = '4' />
<input type='button' value = '5' />
<input type='button' value = '6' />
<input type='button' value = '7' />
<input type='button' value = '8' />
<input type='button' value = '9' />
<input type='button' value = '+' />
<input type='button' value = '-' />
<input type='button' value = '/' />
<input type='button' value = '*' />
<input type='button' value = '=' />


code above creates a text line with the math calculation, and pressing = button will cause it to be calculated

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window.onload will trigger once the page is fully loaded, so not refresh


it's identical to the <body onload=''> tag


Exactly right.  window.onload is used when someone writes JavaScript in an unobtrusive manner to ensure all of the HTML document's elements are present in the DOM before the script attempts to access them.  That, in turn, gets rid of those pesky "something-or-another is not an object" errors that tend to crop up.


It's pretty much the same thing as using jQuery's $(document).ready(), except it isn't quite as fast.

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window.onload will trigger once the page is fully loaded, so not refresh


it's identical to the <body onload=''> tag

but your code shows that the function will only happen on window . onload



my func


function handleClick(id){

          element= document.getElementById(id);

          if(!element) element= document.getElementsById(id);

          if(element) {

              if(element.name) alert('You clicked ' + element.name);

              else if(element.id)  alert('You clicked somthign that dosent have a name but id of ' + element.id);

              //etc etc etc


          else alert('could not find the element clicked');



<input type='button' id='button1' value='button1' onclick='handleClick('button1')' />

<input type='button' id='button2' value='button2' onclick='handleClick('button2')' />

<input type='button' id='button3' value='button3' onclick='handleClick('button3')' />



i think parts of your code are good where you reference the buttons as an array of all the buttons, its neat, but my code is more responisve, maybe they can be combined. My code can be used to handle a click of any HTML element, and it will respond straight away at any time without refresh or anything, in the function you can capture what was clicked and what to do with it.

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what the onload function does is assign the javascript function to each button, it's the same as putting the onclick='functionstuff("param");' in the htmlcode

so we wait till every button is loaded, then set the onclick event to every button, and done. a lot less type work, but your way works as well, only my way, it doesn't matter if more buttons are added, they will automatically have the same function assigned to them

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what the onload function does is assign the javascript function to each button, it's the same as putting the onclick='functionstuff("param");' in the htmlcode

so we wait till every button is loaded, then set the onclick event to every button, and done. a lot less type work, but your way works as well, only my way, it doesn't matter if more buttons are added, they will automatically have the same function assigned to them


ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh sorry iwas being ignorant and dint read your code thorghly enogh, nice jerb.

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