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okay so i need to find a total price for an order but i have the orders and prices in different tables... for example... in one table i have:


(Sandwich Table)

orderid sandwich price

1 QtyCheese  1.99

2 QtyHam         2.29

3 QtyBLT         2.09

4 QtyCoke      0.79

5 QtyDrPepper 0.79

6 QtyFanta    0.79


and in the other i have:


(Preorder Table)

orderid username QtyCheese QtyBLT QtyHam QtyCoke QtyFanta QtyDrPepper DelCentre DelAddress DelAddressL2 DelPostCode OrderExp orderdate


5 RSayer 2 3 1 4 5 6 Dewsbury uigubvr vhjkvnjkvjk jkbrfjkbe 6 2009-05-13 11:59:31


(sorry not sure i could format this properly)


Basically i need some code to take the values from the second table, Preorder, and times them by the prices i have set out...


Is there any way to do this?

I think i've set the tables out quite awkwardly... but any help would be great!!! Thanks



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sorry im not really with it at the minute... I'll post the code..

require_once "header.php"; 
// Include the database connection file.
  $username = $_SESSION['username'];
   $sql = "SELECT orderID, username, QtyHam, QtyCheese, QtyBLT, QtyCoke, QtyFanta, QtyDrPepper, DelCentre, DelAddress, DelAddressL2, DelPostCode
   FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
   $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($sql).'<br />'.mysql_error());
<!-- end of php   start of xhtml -->
<!-- xhtml files require a DOCTYPE, then an html tag and then the head -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" >
<!-- head defines Page Title, Character set and Stylesheet link -->
<title>Course Data</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link href="login.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- After the head, comes the body of your web page -->
<div class="container">
	<!-- A Heading for the page -->
	<h1>Order List</h1>
<!-- A table to display the data -->
<table class="neat" border="2">
		<th>Qty Ham</th>
		<th>Qty Cheese</th>
		<th>Qty BLT</th>			
		<th>Qty Coca-Cola</th>
		<th>Qty Fanta</th>
		<th>Qty Dr. Pepper</th>
		<th>Price Total</th>
		<th>Delivery Centre</th>			
		<th>Delivery Address Line 1</th>
		<th>Delivery Address Line 2</th>
		<th>Delivery Post Code</th>
<!-- enclose some PHP code to collect the data from the table in the database -->
		// LOOP through all the records in the database table
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			echo "<tr>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['orderID'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyHam'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyCheese'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyBLT'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyCoke'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyFanta'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyDrPepper'] . "</td>";
							echo "<td>" . $row['Price'] . "</td>"; //Need to insert a total value here...
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelCentre'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelAddress'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelAddressL2'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelPostCode'] . "</td>";
			echo "</tr>";

		// Free up the memory used for $result
		// Close the database connection
<!-- Close the XHTML table -->
<p> </p>
<p><a href="home.php">Home</a></p>
<p><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></p>
require_once "footer.php"; 



i know... i've done a poor job but i need a quick fix as i have to present this tomorrow... its not neccessary but i'd rather have it done...


i had a rethink and tried to edit the code and got this:

require_once "header.php"; 
// Include the database connection file.
  $username = $_SESSION['username'];
   $sql = "SELECT orderID, username, QtyHam, QtyCheese, QtyBLT, QtyCoke, QtyFanta, QtyDrPepper, DelCentre, DelAddress, DelAddressL2, DelPostCode
   FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";

//set quantities for each sandwich
   $QtyHam = "SELECT QtyHam FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
      $QtyCheese = "SELECT QtyCheeseFROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
     $QtyBLT = "SELECT QtyBLT FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
	    $QtyCoke = "SELECT QtyCoke FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
		   $QtyFanta = "SELECT QtyFanta FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
      $QtyDrPepper = "SELECT QtyDrPepper FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
//set order values for each sandwich
   $Ham = "SELECT price FROM preorder WHERE sandwich = 'QtyHam'";
   $Cheese = "SELECT price FROM preorder WHERE sandwich = 'QtyCheese'"; 
   $BLT = "SELECT price FROM preorder WHERE sandwich = 'QtyBLT'";  
   $Coke = "SELECT price FROM preorder WHERE sandwich = 'QtyCoke'";   
   $Fanta = "SELECT price FROM preorder WHERE sandwich = 'QtyFanta'";
   $DrPepper = "SELECT price FROM preorder WHERE sandwich = 'QtyDrPepper'";
   $total = $Ham * $QtyHam;
   $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($sql).'<br />'.mysql_error());
//   $result2 = mysql_query($total) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($total).'<br />'.mysql_error());
<!-- end of php   start of xhtml -->
<!-- xhtml files require a DOCTYPE, then an html tag and then the head -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" >
<!-- head defines Page Title, Character set and Stylesheet link -->
<title>Course Data</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link href="login.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- After the head, comes the body of your web page -->
<div class="container">
	<!-- A Heading for the page -->
	<h1>Order List</h1>
<!-- A table to display the data -->
<table class="neat" border="2">
		<th>Qty Ham</th>
		<th>Qty Cheese</th>
		<th>Qty BLT</th>			
		<th>Qty Coca-Cola</th>
		<th>Qty Fanta</th>
		<th>Qty Dr. Pepper</th>
		<th>Delivery Centre</th>			
		<th>Delivery Address Line 1</th>
		<th>Delivery Address Line 2</th>
		<th>Delivery Post Code</th>
		<th>Price Total</th>
<!-- enclose some PHP code to collect the data from the table in the database -->
		// LOOP through all the records in the database table
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			echo "<tr>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['orderID'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyHam'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyCheese'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyBLT'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyCoke'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyFanta'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyDrPepper'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelCentre'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelAddress'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelAddressL2'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelPostCode'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $total['Price Total'] . "</td>";
			echo "</tr>";

/*					while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
			echo "<td>" . $row['Price Total'] . "</td>";
			echo "</tr>";

		// Free up the memory used for $result
		// Close the database connection
<!-- Close the XHTML table -->
<p> </p>
<p><a href="home.php">Home</a></p>
<p><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></p>
require_once "footer.php"; 



All sorted thanks!!!


final code is:

require_once "header.php"; 
// Include the database connection file.
  $username = $_SESSION['username'];
   $sql = "SELECT orderID, username, QtyHam, QtyCheese, QtyBLT, QtyCoke, QtyFanta, QtyDrPepper, DelCentre, DelAddress, DelAddressL2, DelPostCode
   FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";

//set quantities for each sandwich
   $QtyHam = "SELECT QtyHam FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
      $QtyCheese = "SELECT QtyCheese FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
     $QtyBLT = "SELECT QtyBLT FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
	    $QtyCoke = "SELECT QtyCoke FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
		   $QtyFanta = "SELECT QtyFanta FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
      $QtyDrPepper = "SELECT QtyDrPepper FROM sandwich WHERE username='$username'";
//set order values for each sandwich
   $Ham = "SELECT price FROM sandwiches WHERE sandwich = 'QtyHam'";
   $Cheese = "SELECT price FROM sandwiches WHERE sandwich = 'QtyCheese'"; 
   $BLT = "SELECT price FROM sandwiches WHERE sandwich = 'QtyBLT'";  
   $Coke = "SELECT price FROM sandwiches WHERE sandwich = 'QtyCoke'";   
   $Fanta = "SELECT price FROM sandwiches WHERE sandwich = 'QtyFanta'";
   $DrPepper = "SELECT price FROM sandwiches WHERE sandwich = 'QtyDrPepper'";

//set price values
   $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($sql).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $price = mysql_query($Ham) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($Ham).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $price2 = mysql_query($Cheese) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($Cheese).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $price3 = mysql_query($BLT) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($BLT).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $price4 = mysql_query($Coke) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($Coke).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $price5 = mysql_query($Fanta) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($Fanta).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $price6 = mysql_query($DrPepper) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($DrPepper).'<br />'.mysql_error());
// quantity values

   $quantity = mysql_query($QtyHam) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($QtyHam).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $quantity2 = mysql_query($QtyCheese) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($QtyCheese).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $quantity3 = mysql_query($QtyBLT) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($QtyBLT).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $quantity4 = mysql_query($QtyCoke) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($QtyCoke).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $quantity5 = mysql_query($QtyFanta) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($QtyFanta).'<br />'.mysql_error());
   $quantity6 = mysql_query($QtyDrPepper) or die('MySQL Error!<br />Query: '.htmlentities($QtyDrPepper).'<br />'.mysql_error());

//fetch price result
$Hamprice = mysql_fetch_row($price);
$Cheeseprice = mysql_fetch_row($price2);
	$BLTprice = mysql_fetch_row($price3);
		$Cokeprice = mysql_fetch_row($price4);
			$Fantaprice = mysql_fetch_row($price5);
				$DrPepperprice = mysql_fetch_row($price6);

//fetch quantity result
$QtyHamprice = mysql_fetch_row($quantity);
$QtyCheeseprice = mysql_fetch_row($quantity2);
	$QtyBLTprice = mysql_fetch_row($quantity3);
		$QtyCokeprice = mysql_fetch_row($quantity4);
			$QtyFantaprice = mysql_fetch_row($quantity5);
				$QtyDrPepperprice = mysql_fetch_row($quantity6);

$total = $QtyHamprice[0] * $Hamprice[0] +
		$QtyCheeseprice[0] * $Cheeseprice[0] +
		$QtyBLTprice[0] * $BLTprice[0] +
		$QtyCokeprice[0] * $Cokeprice[0] +
		$QtyFantaprice[0] * $Fantaprice[0] +
		$QtyDrPepperprice[0] * $DrPepperprice[0]

<!-- end of php   start of xhtml -->
<!-- xhtml files require a DOCTYPE, then an html tag and then the head -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" >
<!-- head defines Page Title, Character set and Stylesheet link -->
<title>Course Data</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link href="login.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- After the head, comes the body of your web page -->
<div class="container">
	<!-- A Heading for the page -->
	<h1>Order List</h1>
<!-- A table to display the data -->
<table class="neat" border="2">
		<th>Qty Ham</th>
		<th>Qty Cheese</th>
		<th>Qty BLT</th>			
		<th>Qty Coca-Cola</th>
		<th>Qty Fanta</th>
		<th>Qty Dr. Pepper</th>
		<th>Delivery Centre</th>			
		<th>Delivery Address Line 1</th>
		<th>Delivery Address Line 2</th>
		<th>Delivery Post Code</th>
<!-- enclose some PHP code to collect the data from the table in the database -->

		// LOOP through all the records in the database table
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
			echo "<tr>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['orderID'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyHam'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyCheese'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyBLT'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyCoke'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyFanta'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['QtyDrPepper'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelCentre'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelAddress'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelAddressL2'] . "</td>";
			echo "<td>" . $row['DelPostCode'] . "</td>";
			echo "</tr><br><br>";

		// Free up the memory used for $result
		// Close the database connection
<!-- Close the XHTML table -->
echo "Your total is: &#8356;<b>" . $total . "</b>";
<p><a href="home.php">Home</a></p>
<p><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></p>
require_once "footer.php"; 


This appears to be working for me... thanks alot

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