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authenticate over a url for a web service


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hi guys i need to authenticate over a url i cant think of any crypt decript hash combo that would not make me look stupid as url's are easily referenced in the browser and teh user can just cut and paste even an encrypted pwd whats the solution for authenticating over a url ?


thnaks guys

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basicaly i have 2 servers that need to communicate sensitive data, the first server fopens and freads a web service on the other or basicaly a url to an mvc


server2.getarray outputs a serialised representation of an array produced by serialize(ini_parse(myini)).


server1.retrivedArray = unserialize(fopen fread http://server2/api/systeminifile/getarray)




i would liketo authenticate myself when requesting data from




i would like to do it throgh the url IF IT IS POSSIBLE


i dont whant anyone to be able to go to http://server2/api/systeminifile/getarray and see the serialized data


i was thinking that it may be used in ajax calls but actualy if its only used in PHP the user will never see the URL with teh password appended to it. So in fact it may be ok to just pass a password on teh url.

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