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[SOLVED] I would like some help with this php script if possible thanks in advance

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i there im new to the forum, and i have a small question its for my website im playing with a bit to learn more about php and so.


its a website option i want to implement which is as follows.


the idea is already there the script also but i have no idea how to make it work in the first page


what am i talking about, well i have some webcamgirls right and they are mine what i want is them to appear on the first page, not like now when you click on the dutch flag or the english flag that you get this option i want that option gone there and i would like this script on the first page of my page, so they will be visible when they are online and when offline that they are not visible but that others are visible.


i have the script here but im not a web guru nor a php guru to make this work really i am playing with this a bit so i can learn how to do this because i do like to know more about php and so but its not as easy as i thought this would be, so what s the script wellllll


here is the index

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    if(isset($_GET['lang'])) $lang = $_GET['lang'];
    else $lang="nl";
    if($lang =="") $lang='nl';
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="./styles/stylesen.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="./styles/stylesnl.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script language="javascript">


var info = new Array(
'p=' + '10028',
'pi=' + 'default',

function vpsplugin(model_id, wnd) {

if (! wnd) wnd = top;

wnd.location.href = 'http://www.mysecurewallet.nl/islive/?m=' + model_id + '&' + info.join('&');

function videoplayer( wnd) {

if (! wnd) wnd = top;

wnd.location.href = '<?php echo $baseurl;?>playervideo/playervideo.html';

function picplayer( wnd) {

if (! wnd) wnd = top;

wnd.location.href = '<?php echo $baseurl;?>playerpictures/playerpictures.html';

function searcha(test)
    var s=document.searchform;
    var s1 =s.searchstring.value;
    for(var i=0;i<s.sex.length;i++)
    var sex=s.sex[i].value;
    el = document.getElementById("webcamtable");
    el.src="<?php echo $baseurl;?>webcamtable.php?cat="+sex+"&search="+s1+"&lang=<?php echo $lang;?>";

function webcamtable(cat) 

    if (! cat) cat = all
    el = document.getElementById("webcamtable")
    el.src="<?php echo $baseurl;?>webcamtable.php?cat="+cat;



    require './inc/pXw4Pa.php';
    if(isset($_GET['cat'])) $cat = $_GET['cat'];
    else $cat="all";
    if($cat =="") $cat='all';
    if(isset($_GET['page'])) $page = $_GET['page'];
    else $page = 1;
//    $ourgirls[] = array("name"=>"Elize","activ"=>0);
//    $ourgirls[] = array("name"=>"Erotica","activ"=>0);    
//    $ourgirls[] = array("name"=>"Desiree","activ"=>0);    
//    $ourgirls[] = array("name"=>"Aphrodite","activ"=>0);    
//    $ourgirls[] = array("name"=>"LuckySmile","activ"=>0);
    $ourgirls[] = array("name"=>"Lobby","activ"=>0);    

<div class="body1" id="body1">
<div class="main-wrap" id="main-wrap">
<div class="first-row" id="first-row">
				    <div class="logo-big" id="logo-big">
			        <div class="header-menu">
					        	<div class="first-line">
                                    	<div id="logosite" class="logosite">

			    	            	<form name="searchform">
			    	            	<div class="search" id="search">
			    	            	    <div class="lang" id="lang">
    		                                                    <li id="langen"><a href="<?echo $baseurl?>?lang=en"><span><em>en</em></span></a></li>
    	        	                                    <li id="langnl"><a href="<?echo $baseurl?>?lang=nl"><span><em>nl</em></span></a></li>
			    	            		<td class="searchinput" id="searchinput" colspan=3>
			    	            		    <input  type="text" class="searchinput1" id="searchinput1" name="searchstring" height="25px" width="60px">
			    	            		    <div id="searchbutton" class="searchbutton">
			    	            		    <a href="#" onclick="javascript:searcha('1')">search</a>
			    	            		<td width="150px" align="left" >
			    	            		    <div id="searchall" class="searchall">
			    	            		    <input type="radio" name="sex" value="all" CHECKED>
			    	            		<td width="150px" align="left" >
			    	            		    <div id="searchgirls" class="searchgirls">
			    	            		    <input type="radio" name="sex" value="girls">
			    	            		<td width="150px" align="left">
			    	            		    <div  id="searchmale" class="searchmale">
			    	            		    <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male">
			    	            		<td width="150px" align="left" >
			    	            		    <div id="searchshamle" class="searchshemale">
			    	            		    <input type="radio" name="sex" value="shemale">
<div class="second-row">
    <td class="advertisments" id="advertisments">
                    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://promotools.islive.nl/?tool=flash_carousel_vrouwen_160x600/160x600&p=10028&pi=default"></script>
    <iframe id="webcamtable" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="800" width="820" allowTransparency="true" src="<?echo $baseurl;?>webcamtable.php?lang=<?echo $lang?>"></iframe>	    
<div class="third-row">
    <span class="footer-links" id="footer-links">
        <p>All models are 18 years or above. / Alle modellen zijn 18 jaar en ouder. Copyright . 2005 - 2008 Content licensed by legal owners.<BR>
        This site is owned and operated by: Virtual PC Services B.V.<BR>
    	©Copyright 2008 cams2net | <a href="#" onclick="javascript:webcamtable('terms')">Terms of Use</a>.</p>
<!-- Ionut Tefeles //-->


Allot of bla bla i know but the option is in here.


than there is this pxw4wpa.php that is being called in the index when well i presume to start this option that i want just only in the dutch or english page what i dont want i want this on the first page and not on the eng and dutch page.

pXw4Pa - poor XML wrapper for PHP arrays v 1.0
Copyright (C) 2005/2006 yayo (Roberto Correzzola)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

//————————————  READING FUNCTION ——————————————
function pxw4pa_read($file){
global 	$_pXw4Pa;

foreach($args as $k=>$v){
	if (!is_array($v) and strtolower($v)=='?v') $verbose='v';
	if (!is_array($v) and strtolower($v)=='?v+') $verbose='v+';

if (!$file) exit('<div style="width:90%;background-color:#FFDA74;color:#000000;font: 12pt;border:1px solid #000000;padding: 2px 12px 2px 12px;"><b>pXw4Pa ERROR!</b>  I miss the array! It seems you forget to submit it to the function!</div>');

$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option ($xml_parser,2,'ISO-8859-1');

	'$parser, $current_element, $current_attribs',
		'global 	$_pXw4Pa;

		if ($current_element=="GROUP"){
		elseif ($current_element=="ENTRY"){
			if (!($_pXw4Pa["t"]=$current_attribs["TYPE"])) $_pXw4Pa["t"]="string";
			if ($_pXw4Pa["t"]==="NULL") {
				if ($_pXw4Pa["n"]) {
	'$parser, $current_element',
		'global 	$_pXw4Pa;
		if ($current_element=="GROUP"){
			if ($_pXw4Pa["gn"][$_pXw4Pa["pos"]]) {

		}elseif ($current_element=="ENTRY"){
			if ($_pXw4Pa["n"]) {
	'$parser, $data',
		'global 	$_pXw4Pa;
		if ($_pXw4Pa["status"]) {

if (!($fp = fopen($file, "r"))) {
    die('<div style="width:90%;background-color:#FFDA74;color:#000000;font: 12pt;border:1px solid #000000;padding: 2px 12px 2px 12px;"><b>pXw4Pa ERROR!</b>  Cannot open the input XML file!</div>');

$data = fread($fp, filesize($file));
    if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) {
	  die(sprintf("<div style=\"background-color:#FFDA74;color:#000000;font: 12pt;border:1px solid #000000;padding: 2px 12px 2px 12px;\"><b>pXw4Pa ERROR!</b>  ...on the XML file: <b>%s</b> at line <b>%d</b></div>",

	if ($verbose) {
		echo'<div style="width:90%;background-color:#A0CBFF;color:#000000;font: 12pt;border:1px solid #000000;padding: 2px 12px 2px 12px;"><b>pXw4Pa info!</b>  File <span style="font-family:monospace;">'.$filename."</span> loaded:</div><pre>";
		if ($verbose=='v') print_r($_pXw4Pa['a'][0][0]);
		if ($verbose=='v+') var_dump($_pXw4Pa['a'][0][0]);
		echo "</pre>";

return ($_pXw4Pa['a'][0][0]);


//————————————  WRITING FUNCTION ——————————————
function pxw4pa_write($a){
		global 	$_pXw4Pa;
if (!$_pXw4Pa['dtdfilename']) $_pXw4Pa['dtdfilename']='pXw4Pa.dtd';
foreach($args as $k=>$v){
	if (!is_array($v) and strtolower($v)=='?v') $verbose=true;
	if (!is_array($v) and strpos($v,'?')===false) {$filename=$v;}
	if (!is_array($v) and strtolower($v)=='?dtd' or $_pXw4Pa['dtdfilename']!='pXw4Pa.dtd') $_pXw4Pa['dtd']='<!DOCTYPE pXw4Pa SYSTEM "'.$_pXw4Pa['dtdfilename'].'">'."\n";
	if (!is_array($v) and substr(strtolower($v),0,5)=='?css=' and !$_pXw4Pa['xsl']) $_pXw4Pa['css']=substr(strtolower($v),5);
	if (!is_array($v) and substr(strtolower($v),0,5)=='?xsl='){ $_pXw4Pa['xsl']=substr(strtolower($v),5); unset($_pXw4Pa['css']);}
if ($_pXw4Pa['css']) $_pXw4Pa['css']='<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="'.$_pXw4Pa['css'].'"?>'."\n";
if ($_pXw4Pa['xsl']) $_pXw4Pa['xsl']='<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="'.$_pXw4Pa['xsl'].'"?>'."\n";

if (!$a) exit('<div style="width:90%;background-color:#FFDA74;color:#000000;font: 12pt;border:1px solid #000000;padding: 2px 12px 2px 12px;"><b>pXw4Pa ERROR!</b>  I miss the array! It seems you forget to submit it to the function!</div>');
if (!$filename) $filename='pXw4Pa_output.xml';

$xml.='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>'."\n".$_pXw4Pa['dtd'].$_pXw4Pa['css'].$_pXw4Pa['xsl'].'<pXw4Pa version="1.0">'."\n\t".'<group>';

	foreach($x[$lev] as $k=>$v){
		elseif (is_array($v)){
			for ($i=0;$i<=$lev;$i++){$xml.="\t";}
			$xml.='<group name="'.$k.'">';
			$xml.="\n";for ($i=0;$i<=$lev;$i++){$xml.="\t";}
			$xml.='<entry name="'.$k.'" type="'.$t.'"'.$e;
			if(!$x[$lev]) {
				for ($i=1;$i<=$lev;$i++){$xml.="\t";}


if (!$file=fopen($filename,'w+')) {exit('<div style="width:90%;background-color:#FFDA74;color:#000000;font: 12pt;border:1px solid #000000;padding: 2px 12px 2px 12px;"><b>pXw4Pa ERROR!</b>  Cannot create/open the file!</div>');}
	if ($verbose) echo'<div style="width:90%;background-color:#A0CBFF;color:#000000;font: 12pt;border:1px solid #000000;padding: 2px 12px 2px 12px;"><b>pXw4Pa info!</b>  File <span style="font-family:monospace;">'.$filename."</span> written:</div><pre>".strtr($xml,array('>'=>'>','<'=>'<'))."</pre>";

//————————————  END OF FILE ——————————————


again allot of things and so on its like ancient of sg1 he


there is a bit more




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>cams2net webcam table</title>
    if(isset($_GET['lang'])) $lang = $_GET['lang'];
    else $lang="nl";
    if($lang =="") $lang='nl';

    if(isset($_GET['search'])) $search = $_GET['search'];
    else $search="";
<link href="./styles/styles-webcamtableen.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="./styles/styles-webcamtablenl.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
<script language="JavaScript">
    var sURL = unescape(window.location.pathname);
    function doLoad()
        setTimeout( "refresh()", 30*1000 );
    function refresh()
        window.location.href = sURL;

<script language="JavaScript1.1">
    function refresh()
    window.location.replace( sURL );

<script language="JavaScript1.2">
    function refresh()
    window.location.reload( true );

<script language="javascript">


var info = new Array(
'p=' + '10028',
'pi=' + 'default',

function vpsplugin(model_id, wnd) {

if (! wnd) wnd = top;

wnd.location.href = 'http://www.mysecurewallet.nl/islive/?m=' + model_id + '&' + info.join('&');

function setSelected()
     var x=document.getElementById("myHeader")


<body onload="doLoad()">

    require './inc/pXw4Pa.php';
    if(isset($_GET['cat'])) $cat = $_GET['cat'];
    else $cat="all";
    if($cat =="") $cat='all';
    if(isset($_GET['page'])) $page = $_GET['page'];
    else $page = 1;

    function inactivegirl($name,$array)
foreach($array as $girl)
	    return false;
	    return true;
return true;

        <td class="webcam-table" id="webcam-table">
    		<div class="webcam-table" id="webcam-table">
	    $name['girls']=array('file' =>"./temporary/girlspreload",'filet' =>"./temporary/girlspreloadt",'sex' =>"v");
	    $name['male']=array('file' =>"./temporary/malepreload",'filet' =>"./temporary/malepreloadt",'sex' =>"m");
	    $name['shemale']=array('file' =>"./temporary/shemalepreload",'filet' =>"./temporary/shemalepreloadt",'sex' =>"s");
    	    if($cat == "all") $cat="girls";
    	    if($cat && $cat!="terms")
//			echo $name[$cat]['file'];
		$fh = fopen($name[$cat]['file'],'r');    
	        while (!feof($fh))
		    $buffer = fgets($fh);
	    	    $pos = strpos($buffer,"<div class=\"divCam_cnt\"");
		    if($pos !== false)
		    foreach($cam as $g1)
		    	$n=sscanf($aux,'<span style="display:inline;">%s</span>',$n1);
//			    	echo $n1;
		    		if(eregi($search,$n1) && eregi('alt="'.$lang.'"',implode(" ",$g1)))
		    		if(eregi('alt="'.$lang.'"',implode(" ",$g1)))
//			    		    echo $n1."+";

//			    	    echo $n1."+";
//			    	    echo $n1."-";
		    $camnr = count($camt);
//		    }
//			echo $i;
//			var_dump($aux);			
	    	$n=sscanf($aux,'<span style="display:inline;">%s</span>',$n1);
		foreach($cam[$i] as $row)
		        echo $row;
//			var_dump($);
//			echo $n1;
//		    echo $footer;

              	<div class="pagehead" id="pagehead" align="center">
                  	<?php if ($lang=="en") echo "Page:";
                  	      else echo "Page:";
              	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" align="center">
              		<?php for($j=1;$j<$camnr/$campage;$j++)
                  	<div class="page" id="page" align="center">
          	<a href="?cat=<?php echo $cat ?>&page=<?php echo $j?>&lang=<?php echo $lang?>"><?php echo $j;?></a>
		$lastpage = 0;
                  	<div class="page" id="page" align="center">
          	<a href="?cat=<?php echo $cat ?>&page=<?php echo $lastpage?>&lang=<?php echo $lang?>"><?php echo $lastpage;?></a>
        if($cat && ($cat=="terms"))

By entering this website, You accept the following agreement:<br>
This website contains adult-oriented material that may be offensive to, or illegal for some readers.<br>
This website also contains Explicit Adult Nudity.<br>
If You are offended by this type of material then DO NOT ENTER THIS SITE.<br>
Please note that this site contains sexually oriented adult material intended for individuals 18 Years or older. If You are not over 18 Years of age, If adult material offends You or if You are accessing this site from any country or locale where adult material is specifically prohibited by law, then DO NOT ENTER THIS SITE.<br>
This website is an adult entertainment and educational resource not designed to promote prurient interests.
Cams2Net does not warrant the information presented here. Furthermore, a listing is not to be construed as any type of implied endorsement for the authors or services of the listed pages or the information contained thereon.

To protect our users from viewing adult-oriented material without their consent, Cams2Net requires You to read and certify the following statements.
NOTE: Do not continue unless You know Your local obscenity laws, and furthermore know that they do
not prohibit the viewing of adult material.
By accepting this agreement, I certify the following:<br>

   1. I am 18 years of age or older.<br>
      2. The sexually explicit material I am buying and/or viewing is for my own personal use and I will never expose minors to said material.
      <br>   3. I believe that, as an adult, I have the unalienable right to read and/or view any type of material that I choose and that the material and images contained in this website are not obscene or offensive in any way, nor could ever be construed to be obscene or offensive.
      <br>   4. The viewing, reading, and downloading of the material and images in this website do not violate the community standards of my street, village, city, town, county, state, province, or country.
       <br>  5. That I am wholly liable for any false disclosures and responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise from viewing, reading, or downloading of material and images contained within this website and that Cams2Net, and its affiliates cannot be held responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise as a result of fraudulent entry into, or use of, this website and/or material contain herein.
        <br>  6. I hereby acknowledge and agree that placing any advertisement or link on this website or on any page of this website - without the prior written consent of Cams2Net.com - is forbidden and may result the infringement of rights and therefore a legal procedure.
        This warning page constitutes a legal Agreement between Cams2Net.com and Yourself, as well as any business entity of which You have any legal or equitable interest. If any portion of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable by a Court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect the enforceability of the other portions of this Agreement.
        We would like to inform You, for ALL legal statements, statutory declarations made by Cams2Net.com and it's Owner, and can be found on the site (such as our Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Spam & Refund Policy, the Agreements, Documents for the Studios, Performers) we can ONLY take the ENGLISH version as a basis and underlying! We DO NOT accept any kind of legal claims, or other complaints for the misunderstandings as a result of the mistranslations! 

    		</div>        </td>

//	    }



thats it my head is tumbling and spinning.


duno what to do anymore actually

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