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OO validation class design


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As i have been trying to get the OO theory to practice so here is the first result. I am making simple validation class and maybe adding the filtering(trim, striptags, replace) support. So all ideas and critics is welcomed.



* Validating the assoc array
* @package default
* @author Risto
class Validation {

private $data;
private $rules = array();
private $errors = array();
private $curField = '';

 * Accepting the array as raw data only associtive arrays
 * @return void
 * @author Risto
public function __construct($data) {
	if (is_array($data)) {
		$this->data = $data;

 * Sets the pointer which field is currently manipulated
 * @return this
 * @author Risto
public function setCurField($name) {
	$this->curField = $name;
	return $this;

 * Main functions which will handle the rule setting and checking
 * @return this
 * @author Risto
public function addRule(Rule $rule, Error $error) {
	$this->rules[] = $rule;

	if (array_key_exists($this->curField, $this->data)) {
		if ($rule->validate($this->data[$this->curField]) == false) {
			$this->errors[] = $error;

	return $this;

 * Returns the Error objects as an array
 * @return Array
 * @author Risto
public function getErrors() {
	return $this->errors;

 * Checks if there is any errors
 * @return boolean
 * @author Risto
public function isValid() {
	return is_array($this->errors);

* For holding the error messages, can also add the priority 
class Error {

private $message;

function __construct($message) {
	$this->message = $message;

public function getMessage() {
	return $this->message;

interface Rule {
function validate($field);

class Length implements Rule {

private $req = array();

public function __construct($min, $max) {
	$this->req['min'] = $min;
	$this->req['max'] = $max;

function validate($field) {
	$len = strlen($field);

	// Pikkus x >= min ja x <= max
	if ($len >= $this->req['min'] && $len <= $this->req['max']) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

class Regex implements Rule {

private $req = array();

public function __construct($regex) {
	$this->req['regex'] = $regex;

function validate($field) {	
	return preg_match($this->req['regex'], $field);

class Email implements Rule {

public function __construct() {

function validate($field) {	
	return preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]((\.|_)?[a-z0-9]+)+@([a-z0-9]+(\.|-)?)+[a-z0-9]\.[a-z]{2,}$/', $field);

class FieldEmpty implements Rule {

public function __construct() {


function validate($field) {
	$len = strlen($field);
	return ($len > 0) ? true : false;


Usage is pretty simple

require 'Validation.php';

$v = new Validation($data = array('name' => 'dsiada', 'age' => 'yu44'));
$v->addRule(new Length(2, 5), new Error('Pikkus pole sobiv'))
  ->addRule(new FieldEmpty(), new Error('Lahter tühi'));

$v->addRule(new FieldEmpty(), new Error('Age box is empty'))
  ->addRule(new Regex('/^[0-9]+/'), new Error('No characters allowed'));



[attachment deleted by admin]

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Maybe see this post where I gave an example of a simple filtering class:


And my comments on it in a later post:



You could probably borrow some of the logic in that to make a validation class.

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