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[SOLVED] help - Cannot modify header.


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before i started this thread i did look at the FAQ for this but couldn't find the problem...



im getting this error:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/XXXX.php:10) in /home/www/XXXX.php on line 21



here is the start of the page...


define("PAGENAME", "gang Admin");
$player = check_user($secret_key, $db);

$error = 0;

if($player->money < $_POST['money'])
else if($player->money >= $_POST['money'])
$query = $db->execute("update `gangs` set `money`=? where `id`=?", array($gang['money'] + $_POST['money'], $player->gang_id));
$query1 = $db->execute("update `players` set `money`=? where `id`=?", array($player->money - $_POST['money'], $player->id));
header('Location: ../your_gang/vault.php');





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Should there be something between the ?> and <?php tags?


<!-- anything here? -->

Read my comment. Was there something there? Say HTML? Text? Anything? If not, check your include files to see if you echo-ed anything or if you output some HTML.

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There doesn't need to be anything there, that space is enough to cause output before you try to set a header


change this


$error = 0;


to this


$error = 0;


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You might have read the FAQ, but did you then look at your code where the error message states the output is being sent at?


The single blank-line after the closing ?> tag and before the next <?php opening tag IS OUTPUT that is sent to the browser -



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i just realised that


does have a redirect in it...


so ive changed the code to this



define("PAGENAME", "gang Admin");
$player = check_user($secret_key, $db);
$error = 0;

$query = $db->execute("select * from gangs where `id`= $player->gang_id");
$gang = $query->fetchrow;
if($player->money < $_POST['money'])
else if($player->money >= $_POST['money'])
$query = $db->execute("update `gangs` set `money`=? where `id`=?", array($gang['money'] + $_POST['money'], $player->gang_id));
$query1 = $db->execute("update `players` set `money`=? where `id`=?", array($player->money - $_POST['money'], $player->id));
header('Location: ../your_gang/vault.php');


no there is no Html or anything else in between this code.... your seeing exactly what the code looks like...


there is html after this php but that shouldnt make any difference...


the lib.php include doesnt have anything in it other than php


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You might have read the FAQ, but did you then look at your code where the error message states the output is being sent at?


The single blank-line after the closing ?> tag and before the next <?php opening tag IS OUTPUT that is sent to the browser -





oh right..


ill try remove the space and see what happens.


edit: yeah that has sorted the problem out thank you all for the help :)

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