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[SOLVED] Retreive domain name


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My company has four domain names.  Each of the four websites uses the some of the same info gathered from a database...and I would like to replace the "we" with the company name.


Here's the example of what might be in the database:


We are going to have a float in the Memorial Day parade


With this:


The XYZ Company will have a float in the Memorial Day parade


Obviously, I can't put php code into the database to determine which domain they are viewing the article from...so how can I enter the info into the database (and more importantly, retrieve it), so that the company name would replace "We"?  Mind you, not all entries into the database will have a company name...so I can't just replace every "WE" with the "company name"





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personally I would define the company name in each project..


define('COMP_NAME', 'XYZ Company');


so you will have one in each site.  Afte that its a case of deciding which ones you wish to replace using something like:


$str = preg_replace('/we/i',COMP_NAME,$str);


Your problem is decerning which occurences are to be replaced...



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right...but I don't want to replace all "We"'s with Company Name.


I'd like to have this in the database:


if (strpos(getenv('SERVER_name'), 'domanin1.com')!==false) {
echo "Company 1";
} elseif (strpos(getenv('SERVER_name'), 'domanin2.com)!==false) {
echo "Company 2";
} elseif (strpos(getenv('SERVER_name'), 'domain3.com')!==false) {
echo "Company 3";
will have a float in the Memorial Day Parade.


but I can't insert php code into the database...but I can't think of any other way to only replace the company name when I want to...and not every time.



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Alright...I'm dumb.  I was so set on replacing WE (since that's how I currently enter the info into the db) that it never dawned on my to enter COMPANYNAMEHERE (or some other completely random thing) into the db where the company name was supposed to go.


Upon looking at preg_replace and how it needs to be written, how can I turn this:


echo "<span class='itemdetails2'><br /><br />".stripslashes($row[story])."</span><br /><br /></td></tr>"; 


into the string to be replaced?

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if you are going to insert a specific term that is going to be replaced the we can just use the str_replace function - more effiecient as it doesn't have to do all the funky regex work.


It will still need you to define the company name for each site and that would best be done as I suggested earlier - by defining a constant for each site (in this example I'll stick to the COMP_NAME).


echo "<span class='itemdetails2'><br /><br />".str_replace('COMPANYNAMEHERE',COMP_NAME,stripslashes($row[story]))."</span><br /><br /></td></tr>";



That should accomplish all you need...

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