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[SOLVED] mysql error I dont understand why?


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Hello please help me out


I am getting this error " mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in"

I don't understand why my query is good I have tested it in phpMyAdmin and runs fine so why am I getting this error


// Protect Variables from SQL injection
function checkVars($value){
// Stripslashes
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
 	$value = stripslashes($value);
// Quote if not a number
if (!is_numeric($value)){
	$value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
return $value;

// set Variables
$clientID = checkVars($_GET['clientID']);

mysql_select_db($database_admin , $admin);

function photoCount($saleState, $clientID){
$SQL_countPhotos = "SELECT COUNT(photos.photoID), photos.saleState, photos.clientId FROM photos WHERE photos.saleState = '$saleState' AND photos.clientId = '$clientID'";
$rs_countPhotos= mysql_query($SQL_countPhotos, $admin);
$row_countPhotos = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_countPhotos);
//echo $SQL_countPhotos;
echo $row_countPhotos['COUNT(photos.photoID)'];

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This is easier on the eyes.

// Protect Variables from SQL injection
function checkVars($value){
// Stripslashes
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
	$value = stripslashes($value);
// Quote if not a number
if (!is_numeric($value)){
	$value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
return $value;

// set Variables
$clientID = checkVars($_GET['clientID']);

mysql_select_db($database_admin , $admin);

function photoCount($saleState, $clientID){
$SQL_countPhotos = "SELECT COUNT(photos.photoID), photos.saleState, photos.clientId FROM photos WHERE photos.saleState = '$saleState' AND photos.clientId = '$clientID'";
$rs_countPhotos= mysql_query($SQL_countPhotos, $admin);
$row_countPhotos = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_countPhotos);
//echo $SQL_countPhotos;
echo $row_countPhotos['COUNT(photos.photoID)'];

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PHP function's variable scope is local. Any variables not defined within the functions, either as parameters or newly created variables, are considered to be undefined. So $admin is not defined. PHP is not the same as JavaScript.

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Okay.. i'll let you work it out,

but first think about these two questions

#1 what is $admin.


#2 What does the error say is invalid ?


and i assume this works when they are not in their own functions



global $admin;


EDIT: awww Ken2k7!! lol

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